oceanmodeling / ufs-weather-model

This repo is forked from ufs-weather-model, and contains the model code and external links needed to build the UFS coastal model executable and model components, including the ROMS, FVCOM, ADCIRC and SCHISM plus WaveWatch III model components.
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model repo name change & transition to coastal-app repo as landing page #71

Open janahaddad opened 2 months ago

janahaddad commented 2 months ago

Follows #47, #70 , and recent conversations. This will involve adding the finalized readme draft to the ufs-coastal-app repo, moving the Wiki there, and moving the Discussions there, and indicating these changes on ufs-coastal repo

janahaddad commented 1 month ago


Target Wed 5/29 for transition

5/29 update: We've added readme file to app-level. Ufuk has tested the initial build script there and updated the model submodule. Will wait for Ufuk's return to complete remaining steps above.

uturuncoglu commented 1 month ago

@janahaddad @saeed-moghimi-noaa @pvelissariou1 I just wonder about the current situation of this transition. Are we planing to rename the ufs-coastal as ufs-weather-model repo today? If so, I could do it and if you could provide README file for app level, I could also add it to the application level. I think I could also make quick change in the documentation and replace ufs-coastal references as ufs-weather-model. Anyway, let me know what you think. BTW, I think we did not inform model developers about this transition. I think it would be nice to send mail to Hernan, Joseph etc. about it.

janahaddad commented 1 month ago

Hey @uturuncoglu, yes I think let's do this today. Once I prep the readme.md can I push or PR to the app level?

janahaddad commented 1 month ago

@josephzhang8, @hga007, @AliS-Noaa, @aliabdolali, @sbanihash, @yunfangsun, @Armaghan-NOAA, @jkbk2004 -- please be aware that we are making the following repo name change imminently:

As the UFS Coastal project begins app-level development, we're planning on shifting the primary landing page of the project to the app-level repo. As part of that, we're changing the current forked model-level repo name from ufs-coastal back to ufs-weather-model. The model-level code base will exist as a submodule within the app-level.

Once the name change is made, the impact on users will be a change in the clone command line code. To download the model-level repo directly, users should use:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/oceanmodeling/ufs-weather-model.git

janahaddad commented 1 month ago

@josephzhang8, @hga007, @AliS-Noaa, @aliabdolali, @sbanihash, @yunfangsun, @Armaghan-NOAA, @jkbk2004 @pvelissariou1 @gseroka @ayumifuji @odotyy

please note that this name change has occurred! We'll continue the transition over the summer to ufs-coastal-app as the landing page following the steps listed above. Thanks all.

uturuncoglu commented 1 month ago

@janahaddad I also update application level build to accommodate the change in the repo name. It is in the main branc at this point and tested on Hercules. Here are the commands that I am using,

So, this compiles DATM+SCHSIM configuration on MSU's Hercules with intel compiler. All the executables are in $PWD/install/bin directory (i.e. model executable is named as ufs_model and tools related with SCHSIM are also in the same directory). Of course, I still need to work on app level build to fix the remaining issues but this is good starting point. I am not sure I could able to update the documentation to remove the all the references to ufs-coastal but I'll let you know if I could.

janahaddad commented 1 month ago

Thank you @uturuncoglu