oceanmodeling / ufs-weather-model

This repo is forked from ufs-weather-model, and contains the model code and external links needed to build the UFS coastal model executable and model components, including the ROMS, FVCOM, ADCIRC and SCHISM plus WaveWatch III model components.
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SCHISM+WW3 RT system cases (Shinnecock domain) #95

Open janahaddad opened 1 month ago

janahaddad commented 1 month ago

General plan for (2D) SCHISM+WW3 coupling:

Plan is to separate "official" RT system, which we'll keep light-weight and attached to the model-level. The heavier cases will eventually live on the app-level as a separate testing-suite, and are being tracked in #92

this issue is specific to RT system cases for SCHISM and WW3 coupling. The setup guidelines are: Shinnecock mesh + real hurricane winds.

RT system development plan:

janahaddad commented 1 month ago

moving these comments to this relevant issue:

@yunfangsun which storm are you planning on for the Shinnecock case? I realized yesterday we said H. Ian but that wouldn't make much sense for that domain. Sandy?


I think ELSA 2021 and HENRI 2021 could fit the Shinnecock mesh.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Henri#/media/File:Henri_2021_path.png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Elsa#/media/File:Elsa_2021_path.png