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Change to a simpler git branching model? #151

Open ttmc opened 5 years ago

ttmc commented 5 years ago

Currently we use the "Gitflow Branching Model"... at least in theory. In practice, I don't know, it seems we don't really update the master branch as often as we should, in some repos.

Over in issue https://github.com/oceanprotocol/barge/issues/157 @kremalicious suggested we switch to a simpler and more agile git branching model:

With that, referring to release versions instead of branches, we could do away with the master/develop split-up too, which adds a lot of friction for more agile release processes. So master would be always the dev version, and a release is what's considered stable for that component.

As I commented over there, that:

would be fine with me (assuming a "release" is just a Git tag on the master branch), but should be discussed because it affects many repos and individuals. It's currently documented in the dev-ocean repository (e.g. here and maybe in some README or release-process documents in other repos?)...

kremalicious commented 5 years ago

It is essentially Git Flow vs. Trunk Based development.

And I think trunk-based makes more sense in our context right now, release processes and actually getting our work out there is currently a laborious process and we are forced to maintain different working versions in multiple branches.

aaitor commented 5 years ago

IMO Gitflow is simple and standard. We must update master after having new stable releases, that typically will occur after important platform releases (April/19 - December/19, etc).