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Relocate Pearl Infrastructure #88

Open idiom-bytes opened 2 years ago

idiom-bytes commented 2 years ago



Ocean Pearl infrastructure

  1. oceanpearl.io domain
    1. Cloudflare
  2. Heroku $7 each/mo
    1. Frontend
    2. Backend
    3. Frontend-staging
    4. Backend-staging
  3. AWS - variable pricing
    1. S3 Bucket for uploaded images
    2. Cloudfront CDN to deliver images
  4. MongoDB Atlas
    1. Shared M2 AWS based cluster - PROD $9/mo
    2. Shared M0 AWS based cluster - Staging $0/mo
  5. Plausible.io tracking - €60 / yr (scales with tracked actions)
  6. Infura API (free)
  7. GitHub
    1. ocean-tech-ship / ocean-pearl
    2. ocean-tech-ship / ocean-pearl-api
    3. oceanpearlio / open-proposal-standard


idiom-bytes commented 2 years ago

Complete DAO migration first.

idiom-bytes commented 2 years ago

Perhaps we can simply integrate ourselves to the current account/structure & help provide ops.

Parts of migrating Pearl will involve admin (creating accounts, migrating ownership, etc...) and others will include creating providing ops. Here is what that breakdown looks like generally.

  1. oceanpearl.io domain
    1. Cloudflare - Part Admin P art Technical. Needs to migrate the domain from Albert.. Need to create new account + an account to where we can migrate the domain to. - Sebastian - Albert (domain migration)
  2. Heroku $7 each/mo - Mostly Admin. OPF creates account and Pearl switches who owns/pays for it. - Marcel
    1. Frontend
    2. Backend
    3. Frontend-staging
    4. Backend-staging
  3. AWS - variable pricing - Admin + Technical. Permissions: R/W to bucket. Cloudfront is private, and we access all pictures via CDN. - Sebastian
    1. S3 Bucket for uploaded images
    2. Cloudfront CDN to deliver images
  4. MongoDB Atlas - DB Service w/ MongoDB | Protection / Backup /etc... Mostly Admin - Create a new account that is not linked to you, but owned by OPF. - Sebastian
    1. Shared M2 AWS based cluster - PROD $9/mo
    2. Shared M0 AWS based cluster - Staging $0/mo
  5. Plausible.io tracking - €60 / yr (scales with tracked actions) - Mostly Admin - Create OPF Account/Change Owner - Sebastian
  6. Infura API (free) - Mostly Admin
  7. GitHub Actions - Admin + Technical - Marcel
    1. ocean-tech-ship / ocean-pearl
    2. ocean-tech-ship / ocean-pearl-api
    3. oceanpearlio / open-proposal-standard
idiom-bytes commented 2 years ago

Next Steps:

  1. Godaddy for oceanpearl.io domain migration => reach out to Albert and transfer to Berkay berkay@oceanprotocol.com
  2. AWS for S3 und cloudfront => Alex Coseru + Trent
  3. Heroku for Prod und DEV => Alex Coseru + Trent (if we need account, then create)
  4. MongoDB Atlas for DBs (https://account.mongodb.com/account/register ) => We don't need to use Atlas, let's leverage AWS MongoDB.
trentmc commented 2 years ago

This is less urgent:

We can delay this indefinitely