The tooltips are very generally very helpful. The column names are alright, but we can make some tweaks to greatly help understanding. Quick win FTW:)
Getting a bit more specific, some column names are confusing, and others inconsistent. Tooltips could use some tweaks. And we can tweak the column order.
Precise Issues, and TODOs
Here are the precise issues, with precise fixes.
"Rnd5 Avg DCV" label + tooltip "Average Data Consume Volume of a Dataset for the last 5 Data Farming rounds"
Problem: "last" implies "this is the final rounds ever." (Common English grammar mistake).
"Rnd Volume" label + tooltip "Total Data Consume Volume of a Dataset for the current Data Farming round"
Problem: "Volume" is used, inconsistent with "DCV" everywhere else
Problem: "Rnd" doesn't imply current round
[x] To fix: change label to "Cur DCV"
"Last Rnd Volume" label + tooltip "Total Data Consume Volume of a dataset for the previous round of Data Farming"
Problem: in label, "last" grammar mistake
[x] To fix: change label to "Prev DCV"
Problem: tooltip text is a bit inconsistent with other ones involving previous rounds. We have an opportunity for better consistency, to ease understanding
[x] To fix: change tooltip text to "Data Consume Volume of a Dataset for the previous Data Farming round"
Column ordering
Problem: order left to right is: prev 5, prev 3, current, prev 1. It's a confusing order because "current" is in wrong place
[x] To fix: swap the order of current <> prev 1. Such that the order left to right is: prev 5, prev 3, prev 1, current.
Background / motivation
Here's the status quo of, "DCV" selection:
The tooltips are very generally very helpful. The column names are alright, but we can make some tweaks to greatly help understanding. Quick win FTW:)
Getting a bit more specific, some column names are confusing, and others inconsistent. Tooltips could use some tweaks. And we can tweak the column order.
Precise Issues, and TODOs
Here are the precise issues, with precise fixes.
"Rnd5 Avg DCV" label + tooltip "Average Data Consume Volume of a Dataset for the last 5 Data Farming rounds"
"Rnd5 Avg DCV" label ...
"Rnd Volume" label + tooltip "Total Data Consume Volume of a Dataset for the current Data Farming round"
"Last Rnd Volume" label + tooltip "Total Data Consume Volume of a dataset for the previous round of Data Farming"
Column ordering