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Deprecate 'price' endpoints in DDO, update components accordingly #96

Closed trentmc closed 3 years ago

trentmc commented 3 years ago

Summary: remove "price" from DDO because it doesn't make sense, and ocean sw arch finally allows us.

Details: Aquarius DDO currently has "price" for each given data asset. It dates to Ocean V1 & V2. This doesn't make sense for V3 because a data asset could have >1 markets (pools, etc) each with its own price etc. We reluctantly kept in "price" as a placeholder to help get us going when we shipped Ocean Market in V3. Since that time we've brought in TheGraph for a lot of stats. It can also be used for price info. Furthermore, Ocean Market will be more flexible in support of >1 markets multi-repo-issue#59. So we're now in a position to, and motivated to, deprecate "price" from DDO

TODOs first

TODOs next**

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