oceansites / dmt

Activities of the OceanSITES Data Management Team
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Update links on oceansites.org/data and dods.ndbc.noaa.gov/oceansites. #3

Closed dpsnowden closed 7 years ago

dpsnowden commented 8 years ago

There are four URLs that we should be pointing people toward to access data. While we might change this UI in the future, for now we should be consistent with listing data access locations uniformly.

Currently oceansites.org/data lists the Ifremer FTP server and the NDBC THREDDS server. Please include all five links below on oceansites.org/data.

NDBC OceanSITES Web Page: http://dods.ndbc.noaa.gov/oceansites NDBC FTP: ftp://data.ndbc.noaa.gov/data/oceansites/ NDBC THREDDS Catalog: http://dods.ndbc.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/oceansites/catalog.html

Ifremer FTP: ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/oceansites/ Ifremer THREDDS Catalog: http://tds0.ifremer.fr/thredds/CORIOLIS-OCEANSITES-GDAC-OBS/CORIOLIS-OCEANSITES-GDAC-OBS.html

Also, the NDBC web page should be updated to at least include links to both the NDBC THREDDS and FTP servers (currently only links to the THREDDS server can be found). Ideally the NDBC web site would also point to the two relevant Ifremer sites.

dpsnowden commented 7 years ago

@tcarval is there an equivalent page at Ifremer to the NDBC info page? Something that is for humans to view and learn about the OceanSITES GDAC at IFremer? If so, please post here.

Also, could you add the ERDDAP endpoint to this issue so that we can update web pages accordingly.

cgallage commented 7 years ago

Five links are added to the OceanSITES webpage @ http://www.oceansites.org/data/index.html on 18/07/2016

tcarval commented 7 years ago

Answer to @dpsnowden : there is no equivalent at Ifremer of the NDBC info page. There is no strong reason to have one, the "master" OceanSITES web site is http://www.oceansites.org/

dpsnowden commented 7 years ago

OK, @cgallage and @tcarval feel free to close issues when you complete them.

We will create a separate issue to update the web site with the ERDDAP links when they are available.