oceansites / dmt

Activities of the OceanSITES Data Management Team
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Create a repository for code sharing at github.com/oceansites #33

Closed cgallage closed 7 years ago

cgallage commented 7 years ago

Create a repository for code sharing at github.com/oceansites. (e.g., github.com/ioos and ioos.github.io)

hmsnaith commented 7 years ago

Anyone object to me adding a 'software' repo to oceansites as suggested in #7 ? Respond by Wednesday 17 Aug!

dpsnowden commented 7 years ago

No objections from me. I suppose I don't care as much how this happens as long as it does happen in a way that all of the DMT can understand. @mbarimike or @hmsnaith, whoever acts first, can you close this issue when you're done?

hmsnaith commented 7 years ago

software repo setup next to dmt repo - now just populate it!

MBARIMike commented 7 years ago

I moved the utilities folder from the dmt repository to the compliance_report folder in the software repository. The Pull Requests https://github.com/oceansites/dmt/pull/38 and https://github.com/oceansites/software/pull/1 need to be merged for the move to be completed.

dpsnowden commented 7 years ago

Closing this. The basic repo is in place for action tracking and a general code repo also exists. Thanks @MBARIMike