oceansites / dmt

Activities of the OceanSITES Data Management Team
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Identify information GDAC holdings; variables, data time periods #36

Open cgallage opened 7 years ago

cgallage commented 7 years ago

Curently it is impossible to analyze which variables we have vs which variables SHOULD be there. Same for time period of data expected (from catalog) vs time period actually in the GDACs. Start to work on identifying this information

hmsnaith commented 6 years ago

In theory, we can start to use the JCOMMOPS site for this. Planned / expected can be entered, and then the data actually delivered should be pulled from the data once delivered. It's not clear to me how any manually entered records (planned deployments, instrumentation deployed etc) will be linked to data actually delivered, especially where there are NRT and DM data for the same deployment.

tcarval commented 5 years ago

Assign this action to Long

ngalbraith commented 5 years ago

Some instruments are deployed with no expectation of publishing the data. These may be instruments being field tested, or a PI may offer space on a mooring to someone who is not part of OceanSITES. Data may be available by request, so the information on its deployment should be made public, but don't punish a PI (or the OS project overall) for not publishing ALL the data from all deployed instruments.