oceansites / dmt

Activities of the OceanSITES Data Management Team
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Write short document describing organization of the Google Drive folders and document version strategy. #4

Closed dpsnowden closed 5 years ago

dpsnowden commented 8 years ago

@dpsnowden will write a draft and circulate and include a description of how we can use GDrive for notes in addition to version controlled documents.

dpsnowden commented 8 years ago

Note, this proposal does not include a discussion of the root folder structure as discussed in #14 Please edit this post or add to the thread with new recommendations. Let's close this quickly as it defines how we will work on a large part of our near term work plan.


Highest level directory for a document. Using Data Format Guide as an example throughout.

root folder/Data Format Guide/

Working Versions

root folder/Data Format  Guide/v1.6 Working

Published/Finalized Versions

root folder/Data Format Guide/Final/my_version_controlled_filename_v1.6.pdf


  1. Each document is assigned an editor. The editor can rotate through the course of the document.
  2. Each document has a version section in the front matter which tracks the major changes resulting in the publication of a new version (e.g. v1.3 to v1.4 of the Data Format guide)
  3. A folder is created for each new version (e.g. "Data Format v1.4")
  4. All revisions to the version under consideration are done by editing a GDocs version of the document in question (i.e. google docs versions are the native format on Google Drive that allow for all collaborators to edit the document.).
  5. A tagging scheme should be devised so that any github issue tagged appropriately will be considered for inclusion in a document update
    1. TODO: Include an example here. e.g. github.com/oceansites/issues/#14 tagged as data-format-1.4 or similar.
  6. Once the editor decides that a version of the document in question is complete, it is designated read only and a pdf (and possibly word version) are created for publication to the oceansites.org/data web site and to the Final folder on GDrive. Permissions should be read only for almost everyone except the editor and the project office.
  7. DMT Chair does not need to be the editor for all docs.
hmsnaith commented 8 years ago

So, if i understand discussion at today's meeting - we add an extra role / step at 7. 'Publisher' or 'approver' - which may need to be DMT chair - to get this 'final version' signed off by OceanSITES EB

tcarval commented 5 years ago

This could be closed, the documentation is well organized

dpsnowden commented 5 years ago

Agreed, closing. @tcarval