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Activities of the OceanSITES Data Management Team
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Update Data Users Guide #5

Closed dpsnowden closed 7 years ago

dpsnowden commented 8 years ago

Mathias to update the current data users guide and publish.

ngalbraith commented 7 years ago

Include information on using data_gridded vs data (long time series vs deployment data) so modelers can avoid using a single site/deployment twice.

ngalbraith commented 7 years ago

Note: this task is tightly tied to shortening the Data Format Reference Manual. The text for the Data Users' Guide is supposed to be removed from the DFRM - this should NOT be yet more text!

dpsnowden commented 7 years ago

From Mantis.
"add reference to netCDF, ACDD, and CF to manual or user documentation"

I'm assuming this Mantis action is related to the users guide so I did not create a new issue. @matthiaslankhorst do you agree?

dpsnowden commented 7 years ago

Update from @ngalbraith via email on 10/11/2016 This has been done.The attributes all have a note about where they come from, or if they're of especial importance to the GDACs (used in software). Nan

Not closing this issue until we decide if and how to create the Users Guide.

dpsnowden commented 7 years ago

Closing based on @ngalbraith email on 10/13.