oceatoon / jquery.dynForm

generate Forms jquery pluggin, javascript , validation, bootstrap, json schema definition
1 stars 1 forks source link

Package as npm module and list plugin on http://plugins.jquery.com #3

Open acorbi opened 9 years ago

acorbi commented 9 years ago

@oceatoon For the sake of reusability, the dynForm could be added to npm in order to be integrated into other projects such as https://github.com/hackers4peace/plp-editor

acorbi commented 9 years ago

Follow http://blog.npmjs.org/post/111475741445/publishing-your-jquery-plugin-to-npm-the-quick and http://blog.npmjs.org/post/112064849860/using-jquery-plugins-with-npm

oceatoon commented 9 years ago

great idea :) do you have the time to manage it ? it might be just a bit to early to publish it , no ? let us have it fully running and tested before throwing it into the wild , no ?

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Alex Corbi notifications@github.com wrote:

Follow http://blog.npmjs.org/post/111475741445/publishing-your-jquery-plugin-to-npm-the-quick and http://blog.npmjs.org/post/112064849860/using-jquery-plugins-with-npm

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/oceatoon/jquery.dynForm/issues/3#issuecomment-87578812 .

Tibor Katelbach – Senior Developer http://oceatoon.org ..·><((((º>·´¯`·.¸¸..><((((º>.¸¸..·.¸¸..><((((º>.¸¸.. La Riviere, La Reunion e-mail : oceatoon@gmail.com skype : oceatoon Fixe : +262+262343686 Mobile : +262-693918532

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acorbi commented 9 years ago

I can manage it. I think it would be beneficially to package it already so we can set the workflow for integrating it as a depencency module in other derivated projects, being the plp-editor the element currently most interested on it. I would not worry much about the current status as long as we version, document and update it reasonably within the next weeks. Maybe we should not list it on jquery plugin directory yet....

oceatoon commented 9 years ago


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Alex Corbi notifications@github.com wrote:

I can manage it. I think it would be beneficially to package it already so we can set the workflow for integrating it as a depencency module in other derivated projects, being the plp-editor the element currently most interested on it. I would not worry much about the current status as long as we version, document and update it reasonably within the next weeks.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/oceatoon/jquery.dynForm/issues/3#issuecomment-87583037 .

Tibor Katelbach – Senior Developer http://oceatoon.org ..·><((((º>·´¯`·.¸¸..><((((º>.¸¸..·.¸¸..><((((º>.¸¸.. La Riviere, La Reunion e-mail : oceatoon@gmail.com skype : oceatoon Fixe : +262+262343686 Mobile : +262-693918532

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acorbi commented 9 years ago

@oceatoon Yesterday on OKLab, i took a look at this Issue with Jon and determined that the logic of the dynForm generator is to dependant on a great number of graphical libraries ( bootstrap, jquery-ui, etc...) so making a npm module out of it is not a good idea. Following options here:

oceatoon commented 9 years ago


this is a usage case of dynForm, as a commiter to dynform, I would open a new folder /formDefinitions in dynForm and put any sample usage form in there This way we would have Them all listed in one location , which can be usefull for a new developper we could also make sample index.html listing all Form use cases

  • See which dependencies can be taken out ( UI dependencies ) and keep the form generator as a lighter module to re-use ( maybe it does not make sense to have this module without all the UI things it provides)

those different dependencies are only samples of usage and people can use whatever they like

I want to find the time to make a correspondance system for any type of input anyone can apply or configure any library they wish so when new libs will come out in the future , it'll also be easy to upgrade dynForm