ocelma / python-itunes

A simple python wrapper to access iTunes Store API http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/resources/documentation/itunes-store-web-service-search-api.html
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Support for iTunes afilliate LinkShare URLs #6

Open LunkRat opened 12 years ago

LunkRat commented 12 years ago

This may be implemented already, but I don't see a way to return URLs that have iTunes affiliate tracking from LinkShare. For example:


If anyone has done this, please share. Thanks!

LunkRat commented 12 years ago

I found the answer to this issue here: http://www.leancrew.com/all-this/2012/01/apple-affiliate-links-via-textexpander/ and here: http://www.leancrew.com/all-this/2012/01/simpler-apple-affiliate-linking/

Perhaps this can be integrated into python-itunes using the code linked above? You could set your own partner ID and site ID variables at the beginning of your script and then python-itunes would return all URLs with your unique tracking code?

ocelma commented 12 years ago


Ok. I will implement this whenever I have some spare time. It seems pretty simple.

I'm planning to do it this way:


So you'd be able to generate a link like this one: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/notesy-for-dropbox/ id386095500?mt=8&partnerId=30&siteID=L4JhWyGwYTM

Thanks for the feedback!

chrisfields commented 10 years ago

I've been trying to do this as well, but for the life of me CANNOT get the store to change from US to GB! Anyone point me in the right direction?