ocerman / zenmonitor

Zen monitor is monitoring software for AMD Zen-based CPUs.
MIT License
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Discrepancy between GUI values and actual hwmon data #33

Open foolnotion opened 3 years ago

foolnotion commented 3 years ago


I am a bit puzzled by the values I see in the gui for the CPU Core Voltage (SVI2). The gui shows values like 1.013 V but when I check manually I get a completely different value.

$ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/name

$ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/{in1_label,in1_input}

Same goes if I use the sensors command.

$ sensors | grep SVI2
SVI2_Core:     1.41 V  
SVI2_SoC:      1.07 V  
SVI2_P_Core:  17.61 W  
SVI2_P_SoC:   12.65 W  
SVI2_C_Core:  12.52 A  
SVI2_C_SoC:   11.77 A  

Shouldn't the reported values be the same?
