ocf / kubernetes

ArgoCD-based configuration for the OCF Kubernetes cluster
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Kubernetes Login Servers #12

Open nikhiljha opened 3 years ago

nikhiljha commented 3 years ago

When you login, connect to one of a few pods (at random?) OR spin up a new pod with your user directory & site directory mounted.

ethanhs commented 2 years ago

I suppose we could set up kVDI that is accessible over the web, is that what you have in mind here?

nikhiljha commented 2 years ago

Hmm... I think kVDI is mostly for a desktop interface. I was thinking more ssh.ocf.berkeley.edu is actually not a real host, and when you ssh to that address and authenticate correctly it makes you your own pod with tiny resource limits that terminates when you log out.

ethanhs commented 2 years ago

Yeah that's fair. I'm not aware of any software that provides this functionality though :/

ethanhs commented 2 years ago

I think we could deploy wetty or webssh and have a controller that deploys them on demand perhaps.

tnthi115 commented 1 year ago

I couldn't find any existing technologies that do this, but I have two immediate very rough ideas:

  1. Somehow set up tsunami as a public load balancer, create a Kubernetes LoadBalancer service with tsunami's IP, ensure each Pod has openssh-server installed, and let users ssh normally to tsunami. Reference: https://betterprogramming.pub/how-to-ssh-into-a-kubernetes-pod-from-outside-the-cluster-354b4056c42b
  2. Create scripts to be run automatically after a user logs into tsunami that will connect to an existing pod or spin a new one up. References: https://superuser.com/questions/355029/how-to-automatically-run-commands-on-ssh-login and https://askubuntu.com/questions/397674/run-scripts-automatically-in-server-after-ssh-connection
kpengboy commented 1 year ago

I should comment that any solution has to support this use case: if a user logs in, starts a background process (e.g. tmux), and logs out, the background process has to survive the logout and upon logging in again they must be returned to the same session.