ochadenas / cpudefense

A tower defense game for Android based on a microprocessor theme
MIT License
115 stars 10 forks source link

Campaign mode ideas #85

Open Cwpute opened 8 months ago

Cwpute commented 8 months ago

Since @ochadenas already hinted at a more engaging campaign they wanted to make, i figured i'd give it some thoughts and share them with you. I reckon we'll need things like an over-arching story (?), strong unlocks, difficulty spikes, scripted events, actions and upgrades you commit to, hard choices that have long-lasting impacts, discoveries, last minute revelations… things that make a full-on adventure!

Legacy from one level to another

Cryptocoins, upgrades and chip unlocks are already in of course, but some other things could last for more than one level:

  1. Exceeding bits at the end of the level could be accounted for (used as a second currency, converted into cryptocoins…): it would also give an incentive to be as efficient as possible.
  2. Damage taken by the CPU would not be recovered (healed by recruits, bought back with currency…)

Preparation in-between levels

The best campaigns i've had make you think strategically even before beginning the level! Current recruit upgrades are good but they can be made more engaging.

  1. Buying chip unlocks (ACC, CLK… ) with cryptocoins instead of unlocking them through regular progression: it gives more player agency, and doesn't prevent the game from giving that unlock for free after a scripted event.
  2. Placing down a level 1 chip requires you bought that base chip at a store inbetween levels: more complexity and difficulty, requires a lot more planification. Not sure if this is a good idea.
  3. Limit the number of recruit upgrades resets (preset number of resets, gradually increasing cost…) so that players commit to a certain play style: this one @ochadenas originally wanted to include in the curent level progression ;) i kinda built my suggestions around it

Levels that provide a challenge

Here i'll include some suggestions that would be particularly fitting for a campaign, but anything that takes the player by surprize and sheds a new light / gives new value to their usual options is welcome! Have a look at my own suggestions in #81 #82 and #83 :p

  1. Some recruits made unavailable/uneffective for a level: requires the player to develop a plan B.
  2. Chip types you can't upgrade past a certain level (tied to a level, locked behind a recruit upgrade…) : have the player consider other options than to upgrade that one almighty chip they always used.

That's it for now, feel free to suggest and discuss things down below.

Cwpute commented 5 months ago

would you care moving this to Discussions @ochadenas ?