ochoa92 / TOOLING4G

All packages provided by Franka Emika and four other packages for surface polishing and micro-drilling tasks using the Panda robot.
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 6 forks source link

catkin_make issue #3

Open xiaosnowqiang opened 2 years ago

xiaosnowqiang commented 2 years ago

Hello,sir I want to know how your repo works, I have down all the codes to my workspace. But When i run catkin_make ,there is a error

`user@ubuntu:~/Drilling_WS$ catkin_make Base path: /home/user/Drilling_WS Source space: /home/user/Drilling_WSc Build space: /home/user/Drilling_WSild Devel space: /home/user/Drilling_WS/devel Install space: /home/user/Drilling_WS/install

Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/user/Drilling_WSild"

-- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /home/user/Drilling_WS/devel -- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /home/user/Drilling_WS/devel;/home/user/catkin_ws/devel;/opt/ros/melodic -- This workspace overlays: /home/user/Drilling_WS/devel;/home/user/catkin_ws/devel;/opt/ros/melodic -- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2 (found suitable version "2.7.17", minimum required is "2") -- Using PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/python2 -- Using Debian Python package layout -- Using empy: /usr/bin/empy -- Using CATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING: ON -- Call enable_testing() -- Using CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: /home/user/Drilling_WSild/test_results -- Found gtest sources under '/usrc/googletest': gtests will be built -- Found gmock sources under '/usrc/googletest': gmock will be built -- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2 (found version "2.7.17") -- Using Python nosetests: /usr/binsetests-2.7 -- catkin 0.7.26 -- BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is on -- BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is on WARNING: Package name "dianaS1_moveit_config" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits, underscores, and dashes. WARNING: Package name "dianaS1_description" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits, underscores, and dashes. WARNING: Package name "dianaS1_gazebo" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits, underscores, and dashes. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ~~ traversing 13 packages in topological order: -- ~~ - franka_description -- ~~ - franka_ros (metapackage) -- ~~ - franka_msgs -- ~~ - franka_gripper -- ~~ - franka_visualization -- ~~ - franka_hw -- ~~ - franka_control -- ~~ - franka_example_controllers -- ~~ - franka_polishing -- ~~ - franka_spacenav -- ~~ - franka_udrilling -- ~~ - franka_simulation -- ~~ - panda_moveit_config -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- +++ processing catkin package: 'franka_description' -- ==> add_subdirectory(franka_description) -- +++ processing catkin metapackage: 'franka_ros' -- ==> add_subdirectory(franka_ros) -- +++ processing catkin package: 'franka_msgs' -- ==> add_subdirectory(franka_msgs) -- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy -- franka_msgs: 2 messages, 0 services -- +++ processing catkin package: 'franka_gripper' -- ==> add_subdirectory(franka_gripper) -- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy CMake Error at franka_gripper/CMakeLists.txt:17 (find_package): By not providing "FindFranka.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Franka", but CMake did not find one.

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Franka" (requested version 0.7.0) with any of the following names:


Add the installation prefix of "Franka" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "Franka_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Franka" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/user/Drilling_WSild/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/user/Drilling_WSild/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log". Makefile:320: recipe for target 'cmake_check_build_system' failed make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1 Invoking "make cmake_check_build_system" failed ` And my Ubuntu version is 18.04,ROS version is Melodic Why can it happen? Can you help me Thanks , -Jian

xiaosnowqiang commented 2 years ago

Hi,Hélio Ochoa, I have try to fix this issue,what i have done are below: sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' sudo apt-key adv --keyserver 'hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80' --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654 sudo apt update sudo apt install ros-melodic-libfranka ros-melodic-franka-ros cd to my ws and then catkin_make` A new issue show as below picture 1 Could you please upload the Keyboard.hpp Thanks, Best regards, -Jian