ocilo / skype-http

Unofficial Skype API for Node.js via HTTP
MIT License
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Drop typings dependency #23

Closed mitchcapper closed 7 years ago

mitchcapper commented 7 years ago
typings install --save npm:skype-http
typings ERR! message Unable to read typings for "request". The author of "skype-http" needs to check the entry paths in "package.json" are up to date
typings ERR! caused by ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\temp\skytest\node_modules\skype-http\node_modules\request\index.d.ts\index.d.ts'
typings ERR!

I am not a typings expert for how these imports normally go, it seems it reads from the local folder so not requiring a remote source to be updated. I am guessing it is because request does not have any typings locally. I am guessing modifying typings.json to specify the npm typings source (not sure why it doesn't pickup from package.json). I can investigate further if the immediate answer is not apparent to someone more familiar.

demurgos commented 7 years ago

A better solution would be to completely drop the dependency on typings and only use @types. This should simplify the build process and reduce the errors.