ocni-dtu / epdx

ILCD parser for Javascript and Python, written in Rust
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support for Ökobau EPDs without english labels #27

Closed eml-henn closed 5 months ago

eml-henn commented 5 months ago

some EPDs on Ökobau.dat have environmental indicators with only german labels, e.g from

https://oekobaudat.de/OEKOBAU.DAT/datasetdetail/process.xhtml?uuid=c23b2987-776d-4d55-91c7-5f2a0f2c50f1&version=00.01.000&stock=OBD_2023_I&lang=en :

[...] [{\"referenceToLCIAMethodDataSet\": {\"shortDescription\": [{\"value\": \"Globales Erw\\u00e4rmungspotenzial (GWP)\", \"lang\": \"de\"}], \"type\": [...]

it seems the value extraction does not work in this case, as in this case no "Global warming potential (GWP)" label is found.

This is not necesasrily tied to the language of the epd, as some EPD available only in german still have english or multilingual labels, like: https://oekobaudat.de/OEKOBAU.DAT/datasetdetail/process.xhtml?uuid=2f4bd2bc-2916-4411-80d4-9c3dcead6301&version=00.00.003&stock=OBD_2023_I&lang=en

[...] {\"referenceToLCIAMethodDataSet\": {\"shortDescription\": [{\"value\": \"Global warming potential (GWP)\", \"lang\": \"en\"}, {\"value\": \"Globales Erw\\u00e4rmungspotenzial (GWP)\", \"lang\": \"de\"}, {\"value\": \"Potencial de calentamiento global (GWP)\", \"lang\": \"es\"}], \"type\": [...]