ocochard / BSDRP

BSD Router Project
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upgrade failed 1.99 to 1.991 #37

Closed bahirul closed 1 year ago

bahirul commented 1 year ago

upgrading from 1.99 to 1.991, produce this following error:

[root@ro]~# fetch 'https://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/bsdrp/BSD_Router_Project/1.991/amd64/BSDRP-1.991-full-amd64-vga.img.xz' -o - | xzcat | upgrade
-                                              99% of  144 MB 6864 kBps    39sdd: /dev/ada0s2: short write on character device
dd: /dev/ada0s2: end of device
1911680+0 records in
14934+1 records out
978776064 bytes transferred in 39.416624 secs (24831555 bytes/sec)
EXIT: ERROR: Can't install the upgrade on /dev/ada0s2

df -h output:

[root@ro]~# df -h
Filesystem           Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ufs/BSDRPs1a    918M    648M    270M    71%    /
devfs                1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
tmpfs                 10M    4.4M    5.6M    44%    /etc
tmpfs                 31M    4.6M     26M    15%    /var
fdescfs              1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev/fd
procfs               4.0K    4.0K      0B   100%    /proc

Any idea about this ?

ocochard commented 1 year ago

Yes: You are using the "full" image and not the "upgrade" image. And because it is a pipe work (cat | dd), I can't check the image validity, but I need to add a warning message to this error.