Closed aderito7 closed 8 years ago
Is the employee component the file that you lazy load ?
Are you using the component router? I've never used it with angular 1, is there some documentation somewhere now?
My apologies again, seems that I should rather have looked at angular as the perpetrator
I missed this part. The site provides sufficient documentation, I guess, it's just a matter of putting two and two sometimes, which I'm not so good, but I got help from another fellow member @brandonroberts
The solution
(function() {
var employee = angular.module('user', []);
employee.component('employee', {
selector: 'employee',
templateUrl: './src/grid/employee/123.html',
component: ['employeef'],
$canActivate: ['$ocLazyLoad', function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load('./src/form/employeef/123.js').then(function() {
return true;
Good to know, I'm sure this can help people who will use the component router, thanks for providing the solution.
I'm sorry if this is not an issue here, but with Angular.
I load a component in the form of a .js file. Within it is a list of additional components that need to be loaded to be rendered to that parent component. However on the initial load, the child components do not render, only once I move away from that route and then back again does it render. I provide an example: