Open venugopal-annamaneni opened 6 years ago
Lazyload Config in Parent App
{ name: "lazyload-module", files: ["http://link_to_lazyload_module_js"], reconfig: true, rerun: true },
Module Code to be LazyLoaded
(function() { var __MODULE_NAME = "lazyload-module"; var app = function(angular) { "use strict"; angular.module(__MODULE_NAME, ["oc.lazyload"]).config(['$ocLazyLoadProvider', function($ocLazyLoadProvider) { $ocLazyLoadProvider.config({ debug: true, events: true, modules: [{ name : 'module1_in_lazyload_module', files : ["resource_link_11","resource_link_12"] },{ name : 'module2_in_lazyload_module', files : ["resource_link_21","resource_link_22"] }] }); }]); angular.module(__MODULE_NAME, __DEPS["module_deps"]).run(function($ocLazyLoad){ $ocLazyLoad.load(["module1_in_lazyload_module","module2_in_lazyload_module"]).then(function (data) { }); }); return angular.module(__MODULE_NAME); }; if ((typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null ? window.angular : void 0) != null) { app(window.angular); } else if (typeof require === "function") { var angular = require("angular"); app(angular); } else { throw new Error("Could not find angular on window nor via require()"); } if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module !== null) { module.exports = __MODULE_NAME; } }).call(this);
Issue the config and run in the lazyload-module is not getting called when the module itself is loaded via lazyload from parent app.
What is the issue/mistake here ? Basically what am trying to do is recursively lazyload modules on demand and not everything in the parent app.
Config and run of lazyload-module is called when this is directly loaded in Parent App
If someone is looking at this issue and want a working demo, please let me know. I can setup plunker with my case.
Hey @venugopal-annamaneni, did you get it to work?
Lazyload Config in Parent App
Module Code to be LazyLoaded
Issue the config and run in the lazyload-module is not getting called when the module itself is loaded via lazyload from parent app.
What is the issue/mistake here ? Basically what am trying to do is recursively lazyload modules on demand and not everything in the parent app.
Config and run of lazyload-module is called when this is directly loaded in Parent App