ocornut / imgui

Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
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Linux/Mac compatibility of multi-viewports #2117

Open ocornut opened 5 years ago

ocornut commented 5 years ago

This is a thread for people to discuss Linux/Mac (and notably custom window managers under Linux) specific issues with the Viewport branch, mentioned in #1542. I am not a Linux user so I hope users will come to a solution to make the various bindings compatible with window managers.

January 2019: Viewport and Docking branches have been merged to simplify maintainance. Use the 'docking' branch to test multi-viewports.

ocornut commented 5 years ago

The discussions involving @Ylannl @ebachard, @s-ol, @Lecrapouille starts around here: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1542#issuecomment-426918984

s-ol commented 5 years ago


For now I think we should focus separately on the issues with the GLFW and WM integrations I have been mostly posting about and the more subtle problems e.g. @ebachard has been seeing. I think we should focus on the latter as the GLFW stuff (window jitter) is likely a bit further from the imgui core itself and better fixed on a tangent.

I just gave the SDL demo another try on i3 and I noticed some more details, mostly related to the two ways I can interact with the windows; I can either use my WM shortcut to move and resize the windows (in my case hold the Meta key and left/right drag, lets call this WM-dragging/resizing) or I can let ImGui do it (left-drag an empty spot or titlebar, left drag window corner or edges; app-dragging/resizing).

I found the following:

Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

@ocornut If you want I can try to investigate concerning the segfaut I caught. I think this is not an issue concerning a particular architecture. I just call valgrind on the example_glfw_opengl3: I got:

==3237== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==3237==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x0
==3237==    at 0x10B9A2: ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos(ImGuiViewport*) (imgui_impl_glfw.cpp:477)
==3237==    by 0x128F91: ImGui::UpdateViewports() (imgui.cpp:7465)
==3237==    by 0x137431: ImGui::NewFrame() (imgui.cpp:3294)
==3237==    by 0x10B202: main (main.cpp:127)

Then I added some asserts:

static ImVec2 ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos(ImGuiViewport* viewport)
    assert(NULL != viewport);
    ImGuiViewportDataGlfw* data = (ImGuiViewportDataGlfw*)viewport->PlatformUserData;
    assert(NULL != data);
    assert(NULL != data->Window);
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    glfwGetWindowPos(data->Window, &x, &y);
    return ImVec2((float)x, (float)y);

And I got Assertion `NULL != data' failed. I never tried rr but I'll give a try to know if it catches the bug https://rr-project.org/

ocornut commented 5 years ago

@Lecrapouille What is the value of viewport->ID ?

It is calling the handler when viewport->PlatformRequestMove was set, which is set in ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback() when the window is moved which means the platform window was created.

There is maybe a possibility this gets called during the frame after window destruction. Could you add printf() logging in ImGui_ImplGlfw_CreateWindow, ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow printing viewport->ID, viewport->PlatformHandle, viewport->PlatformUserData, etc. with a frame counter?

// and the bottom of ImGui_ImplGlfw_CreateWindow
printf("[%05d] CreateWindowID %08X\n", ImGui::GetFrameCount(), viewport->ID, viewport->PlatformHandle, viewport->PlatformUserData);
// at the top of ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow
printf("[%05d] DestroyWindow ID %08X\n", ImGui::GetFrameCount(), viewport->ID, viewport->PlatformHandle, viewport->PlatformUserData);
Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

In fact to produce the segfault there is an easier way: move the "hello world" window outside (partially) the main win (else this is not working) then just move up and down your mouse cursor on the blue box of clear color to pop up/down the color panel (which starts shaking), this is enough to produce the crash.

Forget for rr I cannot use it with AMD Ryzen :( So I'm using the printf method :

In static void ImGui::UpdateViewports() inside the loop I added:

printf("ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[%d]; %p    %p\n", n, viewport, viewport->PlatformUserData);

Also I added printf in:

printf("IM_DELETE(viewport) %p  %p\n", viewport, viewport->PlatformUserData);

And finally inside static ImVec2 ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos(ImGuiViewport* viewport)

For me the NULL pointer comes from this code:

static void ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow(ImGuiViewport* viewport) { 
printf("Before ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow %p  %p\n", viewport, viewport->PlatformUserData);
    viewport->PlatformUserData = viewport->PlatformHandle = NULL;
printf("After ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow %p  %p\n", viewport, viewport->PlatformUserData);

With valgrind + printf I see that:

ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11914810    0x11918610
Before ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow 0x11914810  0x11918610
After ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow 0x11914810  (nil)
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11914810    (nil)
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11914810    (nil)
==27446== Invalid read of size 8
==27446==    at 0x1281D3: ImGui::UpdateViewports() (imgui.cpp:7458)
==27446==    by 0x1177D4: ImGui::NewFrame() (imgui.cpp:3294)
==27446==    by 0x10AB9B: main (main.cpp:127)
==27446==  Address 0x11914838 is 40 bytes inside a block of size 224 free'd
==27446==    at 0x4C2CDDB: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:530)
==27446==    by 0x10EAD6: FreeWrapper(void*, void*) (imgui.cpp:992)
==27446==    by 0x115684: ImGui::MemFree(void*) (imgui.cpp:2815)
==27446==    by 0x145BB4: void IM_DELETE<ImGuiViewportP>(ImGuiViewportP*) (imgui.h:1428)
==27446==    by 0x1281CE: ImGui::UpdateViewports() (imgui.cpp:7457)
==27446==    by 0x1177D4: ImGui::NewFrame() (imgui.cpp:3294)
==27446==    by 0x10AB9B: main (main.cpp:127)
==27446==  Block was alloc'd at
==27446==    at 0x4C2BBAF: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
==27446==    by 0x10EAB8: MallocWrapper(unsigned long, void*) (imgui.cpp:991)
==27446==    by 0x11562C: ImGui::MemAlloc(unsigned long) (imgui.cpp:2807)
==27446==    by 0x128720: ImGui::AddUpdateViewport(ImGuiWindow*, unsigned int, ImVec2 const&, ImVec2 const&, int) (imgui.cpp:7574)
==27446==    by 0x11F4BB: ImGui::Begin(char const*, bool*, int) (imgui.cpp:5179)
==27446==    by 0x125E59: ImGui::BeginTooltipEx(int, bool) (imgui.cpp:6890)
==27446==    by 0x1947FE: ImGui::ColorTooltip(char const*, float const*, int) (imgui_widgets.cpp:4486)
==27446==    by 0x1945CC: ImGui::ColorButton(char const*, ImVec4 const&, int, ImVec2) (imgui_widgets.cpp:4457)
==27446==    by 0x190FF1: ImGui::ColorEdit4(char const*, float*, int) (imgui_widgets.cpp:3932)
==27446==    by 0x190433: ImGui::ColorEdit3(char const*, float*, int) (imgui_widgets.cpp:3807)
==27446==    by 0x10AC42: main (main.cpp:145)

After some iterations we reach the assert:

ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11a62280  (nil)
example_glfw_opengl3: ../imgui_impl_glfw.cpp:484: ImVec2 ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos(ImGuiViewport*): Assertion `data != NULL' failed
Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

@ocornut I did not see your comments when I wrote mine. I gonna try to answer you (I do not know well your code sorry)

Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

note: >>> TRUE is when viewport->PlatformRequestMove = true; 1/

[00113] CreateWindowID 8C2D4FD5  (nil) (nil)
plat = data
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    0x1151c920
[00129] DestroyWindow ID 8C2D4FD5 0x1151c970 0x1151c920
Before ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow 0x11518a60  0x1151c920
After ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow 0x11518a60  (nil)
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    (nil)
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x11518a60    (nil)
==27931== Invalid read of size 8
==27931==    at 0x12827B: ImGui::UpdateViewports() (imgui.cpp:7458)
==27931==    by 0x11787C: ImGui::NewFrame() (imgui.cpp:3294)
==27931==    by 0x10AB9B: main (main.cpp:127)
==27931==  Address 0x11518a88 is 40 bytes inside a block of size 224 free'd
==27931==    at 0x4C2CDDB: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:530)
==27931==    by 0x10EB7E: FreeWrapper(void*, void*) (imgui.cpp:992)
==27931==    by 0x11572C: ImGui::MemFree(void*) (imgui.cpp:2815)
==27931==    by 0x145C5C: void IM_DELETE<ImGuiViewportP>(ImGuiViewportP*) (imgui.h:1428)
==27931==    by 0x128276: ImGui::UpdateViewports() (imgui.cpp:7457)
==27931==    by 0x11787C: ImGui::NewFrame() (imgui.cpp:3294)
==27931==    by 0x10AB9B: main (main.cpp:127)
==27931==  Block was alloc'd at
==27931==    at 0x4C2BBAF: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:299)
==27931==    by 0x10EB60: MallocWrapper(unsigned long, void*) (imgui.cpp:991)
==27931==    by 0x1156D4: ImGui::MemAlloc(unsigned long) (imgui.cpp:2807)
==27931==    by 0x1287C8: ImGui::AddUpdateViewport(ImGuiWindow*, unsigned int, ImVec2 const&, ImVec2 const&, int) (imgui.cpp:7574)
==27931==    by 0x11F563: ImGui::Begin(char const*, bool*, int) (imgui.cpp:5179)
==27931==    by 0x125F01: ImGui::BeginTooltipEx(int, bool) (imgui.cpp:6890)
==27931==    by 0x1948A6: ImGui::ColorTooltip(char const*, float const*, int) (imgui_widgets.cpp:4486)
==27931==    by 0x194674: ImGui::ColorButton(char const*, ImVec4 const&, int, ImVec2) (imgui_widgets.cpp:4457)
==27931==    by 0x191099: ImGui::ColorEdit4(char const*, float*, int) (imgui_widgets.cpp:3932)
==27931==    by 0x1904DB: ImGui::ColorEdit3(char const*, float*, int) (imgui_widgets.cpp:3807)
==27931==    by 0x10AC42: main (main.cpp:145)
IM_DELETE(viewport) 0x11518a60  (nil)
[00131] CreateWindowID 8C2D4FD5  (nil) (nil)
plat = data
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x117832c0    0x11785450
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x117832c0  0x11785450
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x117832c0  0x11785450
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x117832c0    0x11785450
[00133] DestroyWindow ID 8C2D4FD5 0x117854a0 0x11785450
Before ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow 0x117832c0  0x11785450
After ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow 0x117832c0  (nil)
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0

then several cycles after:

********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x119910e0    0x119931b0
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x119910e0    0x119931b0
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x119910e0    0x119931b0
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x119910e0    0x119931b0
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x119910e0    0x119931b0
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x119910e0    0x119931b0
********** ImGui_ImplGlfw_WindowPosCallback
>>> TRUE
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x119910e0    0x119931b0
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
[00177] DestroyWindow ID 8C2D4FD5 0x11993200 0x119931b0
Before ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow 0x119910e0  0x119931b0
After ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow 0x119910e0  (nil)
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0xf635380  0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[0]; 0xf635380    0xf6646a0
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[1]; 0x104ed210    0x10503470
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[2]; 0x119910e0    (nil)
g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable 0x119910e0  (nil)
ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos 0x119910e0  (nil)
example_glfw_opengl3: ../imgui_impl_glfw.cpp:491: ImVec2 ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos(ImGuiViewport*): Assertion `data != NULL failed.

For me the PlatformUserData is set to NULL in ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow then used by ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos and not dropped by UpdateViewports inside the for (int n = 0; n < g.Viewports.Size; n++)

PPS: tried to add && viewport->PlatformUserData != NULL to if ((g.IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable)) this does not help stopping shaking windows :(

ebachard commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I don't have much time these days, but I finaly found one hour, and tested the most recent code today. No time to track unfortunaly :-(

Quicly, my configuration is based on Linux Intel x86_64 (+ lot of RAM), HD 620 chipset, gcc-5.4.0 , Linux Mint 18.3 (customized 4.15.18 kernel for uvc 1.5 compatibility) / Gnome Environment WM : default is compiz + Compton compositor + 3D effects, but I tested as well Metacity + Compton compositor, or Mutter + Compton or even Marco + Compton

What I observed:

Looks like the crash caused by the clear color window, overlaping the main SDL2 window or GLFW Window is not fixed : the crash is still there :-/

Probably a regression : using OpenGL3 + SDL2, or OpenGL3 + GLFW, whatever the WM, I see the following issue : when you drag one window outside the main window, the dragged window seems to flicker once overlaping the main window.

Other issue : when one obrder of the dragged window reaches the border of the screen, the flickering .is triggered

Maybe my imagination, but could there be a race condition between mouse coordinates and window coordinates? The simple trick to stop the ImGui Window to flicker, is to click somewhere inside the main SDL2 or GLFW window. Secondly, I remarked that the ImGui windows always tries to return at its original position, means at the point ( x ~ 50 pixels , y = 50 pixels ) from the Top Left of the main SDL or GLFW window.

Unfortunaly, I didn't make a backup of the previous sources. Got to catch with git to retrieve the old version.

Sorry, got to go. I hope I'll have more time at the end of the week.


EDIT : I wrongly wrote that the crash was fixed, but it is not in fact ...

ebachard commented 5 years ago

For the record, I reproduced the crash with debug enabled, and as expected, there is some null window and coordinates somewhere:

[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
[New Thread 0x7ffff00fb700 (LWP 24553)]
[New Thread 0x7fffed9c9700 (LWP 24554)]

Thread 1 "example_sdl_ope" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000403cf5 in ImGui_ImplSDL2_GetWindowPos (viewport=0x456b320) at ../imgui_impl_sdl.cpp:433
433     SDL_GetWindowPosition(data->Window, &x, &y);
(gdb) p x
$1 = 0
(gdb) p y
$2 = 0
(gdb) p data->Window
Cannot access memory at address 0x0

To reproduce the crash :

  1. compile the example_opengl3 with debug enabled ( -g option for g++ )

If you don't want to build including symbols, just comment the line starting with "DEBUG_FLAGS" (using # character )

@ocornut : in the diff below, I think I corrected a little issue in the Linux Makefile. Precisely, CXXFLAGS = (something) hides the previously defined flags.

diff --git a/examples/example_sdl_opengl3/Makefile b/examples/example_sdl_opengl3/Makefile
index 6987411..1786a67 100644
--- a/examples/example_sdl_opengl3/Makefile
+++ b/examples/example_sdl_opengl3/Makefile
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SOURCES += ../imgui_impl_sdl.cpp ../imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
 SOURCES += ../../imgui.cpp ../../imgui_demo.cpp ../../imgui_draw.cpp ../../imgui_widgets.cpp
 OBJS = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(notdir $(SOURCES))))
 UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ CXXFLAGS = -I../libs/gl3w
 ifeq ($(UNAME_S), Linux) #LINUX
        ECHO_MESSAGE = "Linux"
        LIBS = -lGL -ldl `sdl2-config --libs`
-       CXXFLAGS = -I../ -I../../ -I../libs/gl3w `sdl2-config --cflags`
+       CXXFLAGS += -I../ -I../../ -I../libs/gl3w `sdl2-config --cflags`
        CXXFLAGS += -Wall -Wformat
        CFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS)
  1. run the debugger
    gdb64 --args ./example_sdl_opengl3
  2. Drag the Hello window at the bottom of the main window (just put it at the border, no need to overlap)
  3. click on clear color.

Expected : should open the colorpicker

  1. Once the colorpicker is open, move its window to overlap the main window.

  2. Then, move the mouse cursor inside the colorpicker window, exactly over "Original" color rectangle. Once over this area, another rectangle box opens (probably a tooltip ?) If the tooltip rectangle overlaps the main window, the crash occurs. (oppositely : it the tooltip rectangle appears inside the main window, no crash).

This crash is 100% reproductible, and I think some new windows are uninitialized, or lost their position, but I can be wrong.

Last but not least : english is not my native language, so feel free to correct me. TIA :-)

Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

@ebachard You confirmed what I noticed.

I do not understand well the code but all I what I could traced is PlatformUserData is set to NULL in ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow then used by ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos and not dropped by UpdateViewports inside the for (int n = 0; n < g.Viewports.Size; n++) and the segfault occurs when accessing to the NULL pointer. This is what you can read in my looooong logs :)

For me is not a platform specific issue because the code is the same for all archi. I think it's most an algorithm issue or race condition between the 2 threads. But I do not understand the whole code so I cannot help more. Anyway I'm not sure this is related with flickering effects.

Did you try with valgrind ? It detects a memory corruption before the segfault occurs (which comes randomly but several cycles after). You can use rr (record & replay) which record the execution and call gdb (unfortunately I cannot use it with my Ryzen CPU).

If this can help: to trace stack, I use backward. Here the Makefile to change (also working for Darwin, never tested on Windows):

    SOURCES = backward.cpp main.cpp

    LIBS = -lGL `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3` -ldw
    CXXFLAGS += -I../ -I../../  `pkg-config --cflags glfw3` -DBACKWARD_HAS_DW=1
    CXXFLAGS += -Wall -Wformat -O2 -g -fomit-frame-pointer

You have to add in Makefile the file backward.cpp the library -ldw the define -DBACKWARD_HAS_DW=1 gcc options -O2 -g -fomit-frame-pointer and maybe to do apt-get install libdw-dev

I've truncated the bug report (after the crash) but there the stack calls (which rephrases what we wrote):

viewport->Pos = g.PlatformIO.Platform_GetWindowPos(viewport);
glfwGetWindowPos(data->Window, &x, &y);
Alzathar commented 5 years ago

The following message is to report the macOS compatibility of the viewport branch using the example_glfw_opengl3binary.

ebachard commented 5 years ago

@Alzathar : can you please confirm the crash we decribed with @Lecrapouille (the clear color one) doesn't occur on Mac OS X ?


Alzathar commented 5 years ago

@ebachard On macOS, I have not the segfault reported in this comment https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1542#issuecomment-427122576


I tried with other configurations (hello world window in a child viewport, color picker in another child viewport when appearing, main viewport without window), and there is no segfault. However, I found one minor issue when a window is in a child viewport and is collapsed and then expanded. When expanded, the window moves to the top of the screen, expand, and then moves to the previous position. Note: in the following GIF, the expanded window seems to move to the top only the first time it is collapsed and expanded, but that is not the case. This is a problem with the screen recording at 15FPS. Each time you collapse and expand a window, this one moves to the top.


Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

I do not have OSX now, can you try moving your mouse like on this video (sorry my video is not nice : the "clear color" window is not appearing because of the gif recorder grabbing the focus): crash

ebachard commented 5 years ago

@Alzathar : sorry, my explanation was probably unclear. I'll try using other words:

The main point is: open an openGL child window outside of the main window (a glfwWindow for you, if I'm not wrong). To respect this test case, you'll have to put the Hello window near to the inside border of the glfw Window. Then, move the cursor over the "Original" visual, in order to make the tooltip rectangle appear with one part inside and one part outside of the main glfw Windows (in your last gif, the hello window is already outside the main glfw Window, and this is another test case).

The example we propose uses the clear color, based on the Hello window, but I'll try to find another example, to try to isolate the reason (the "WHY" ). The "WHAT" being the crash, caused by null coordinates.

@Lecrapouille: I think your idea is interesting, and maybe the flickering could be caused by some rounding issue (or something similar). But I need to find the time to debug (not before next friday, sorry). Last but not least, thank yu very much for the valgrind tips. I'm used to gdb, but I'll git valgrind a try, of course.

Alzathar commented 5 years ago

@Lecrapouille I tried like in your video (switching quickly between the hello window and the clear color window) and I have no segfault. @ebachard I also reproduced the steps detailed in https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/2117#issuecomment-430732528, but there is no segfault either.

I think we can say this crash is only related to Linux. Based on what I read in this discussion, there are different versions of Linux, different GPUs (Ryzen, Intel), different WMs (compositing or tiling), different backends (GLFW, SDL2) and maybe different versions of the viewport branch of Dear ImGui. If I read correctly, the crash happens in all configuration with compositing WM. However, it is not confirmed with the i3 tiling manager (@s-ol did you have a crash for the sdl_opengl3 example under i3?). It is not yet clear for me if the problem is related to the WM or Dear ImGui. Because compositing WM does supplementary processing when a window is created and destroyed, the problem might be related to the speed of the WM to process the request sent by Dear ImGui to create a window. An idea would be to assert the result of the glfwCreateWindow function in the example_gflw_opengl3 (line 388). You could add the line assert(data->Window) to verify if the window is correctly created.

Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

You should try this.

glfwCreateWindow is not the cause. I added assert(data->Window) and this does not crash. I persist to say the only cause is made by this line where NULL pointer is used. Finding why it's still used will fix your issue. If you want a quick & dirty workaround add && viewport->PlatformUserData != NULL in the if of this line this fix the segfault but not the flickering effect.

Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

I tried with example_sdl_opengl3 for Linux (I did not before) I have no issue (not flickering, no segfault, no NULL pointer in my trace). The only drawback I noticed is that I loose the mouse focus on firefox, Linux console ... I cannot use the keyboard (like entering this issue for example). crash2

I tried to diff code source SDL vs GLFW. I noticed a minor error: SDL: bool err = gladLoadGL() == 0; vs GLFW: bool err = gladLoadGL() != 0; in main.cpp and SDL have a little more checks against NULL (for example data->Window && missing in ImGui_ImplGlfw_DestroyWindow)

ebachard commented 5 years ago

@Alzathar : sorry, I was afk all the week, but I found some time to check back at home. Indeed, you are right : the crash on Linux is very probably caused by the compositing. Once it (the compositing) is disabled, the crash previously mentionned does no longer occur.

Other test without window compositing on Linux (i.e. it is disabled): After some tries, remains one last issue : when I move an ImGui window outside of the main SDL_Window (or GLFW window depending on your choice), the ImGui window is stuck on the border, and cannot go out (and partially disappear).

Can someone confirm there is something similar ?

Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

@Alzathar : I cannot help you: I have not this effect either on SFWL or SDL opengl3 + Debian 64bits (libSDL2-2.0.so.0.8.0, libglfw.so.3.2). I think people have different versions of these libs that may explain these different behaviors.

I just noticed a new glitch with Imgui imgui SDL + XFCE that I cannot record in gif.

When the panel color is outside, I see blinking effect on buttons of the XFCE docker. Buttons which correspond to imgui windows and their child. The blinking can be explained by:

Therefore once a child is outside its main window, you cannot longer use your mouse for inserting texts in other XFCE applications (firefox, console, emacs ...) its like the child windows is placed on the top of all XFCE applications which lost their mouse focus and you no longer can type on them. See my previous gif screenshot about it (upper in this post).

Finally, when changing of virtual desktop, child windows are following the new desktop and displayed on the new one (while the main window is still present on the previous desktop). With the same effect (docker blinking + no mouse focus).

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

For first thing: great job... and the multiple viewports is very very amazing!

I tested ImGui 565af90 in my application that use GLFW and OpenGL

On Linux and Window the program use AZDO (Approaching Zero Driver Overhead), functions available from OpenGL 4.5 In Mac OS X, for limitation of the OS, I have used the OpenGL 4.1 functionalities I did only tests to 64 bits for OSs and application.

I tested it on Linux (Fedora 28 and Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS), OS X 10.14 (Mojave), Windows 10, and also WINE 3.14 under Linux The analysis of the results is shown below. I add links to the movies of the screen captures (each few seconds): is easier to understand what I'm talking about. I'm sorry for the animated gif, but I have captured large portions of the screen.

OS: Fedora 28 GPU: Intel HD 530 WM: Metacity (no effect, no compiz)


About the ColorEdit box problem, I noticed that when shows the coloredit popup, appear a new "Untitled Window" on task bar. (The ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsNoTaskBarIcon flag: on linux do not works.) After begin a rebound of the popup window between the main viewport (top left corner) and the correct position on desktop (near to color edit box) and continue until I move the mouse...and when the mouse left the box, few istants and the application crashes.

OS: Fedora 28 GPU: Intel HD 530 WM: Metacity (no effect, no compiz)


The ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsNoTaskBarIcon flag: on linux do not works Same thing with a simple text popup (like helper (?) function of imgui_demo): "Untitled window" on task bar, but no rebounds on main Viewport (perhaps because there is not a texture like in coloredit?) when i move away the mouse the application crashes, same as for the ColorEdit

OS: Fedora 28 GPU: Intel HD 530 WM: Metacity (no effect, no compiz)


There is a problem also when I resize a window near edge of screen (Desktop): when i reach the border, the window increases on the opposite side:

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS GPU: AMD RX 480 WM: Metacity (no effect, no compiz)


Strange rebound between main viewport and desktop when I reach the border of screen (desktop) with the window (also in Fedora). And also here, as in fedora, when it comes out of the main viewport: the main window (with main viewport) lose the focus, and the mouse lose the drag from the new created window: here GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW do not works.

OS: Wine 3.14 under Fedora 28 GPU: Intel HD 530 WM: Wine 3.14 under Metacity (no effect, no compiz)


I tested Win64 executables on wine 3.14, under Fedora 28, with OpenGL 4.5. Here on linux, where crashes often, with wine run very fluid: no crash and no big problems (In wine, like in Windows, ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsNoTaskBarIcon works, obviously) . It Works like in Windows 10: same behaviour. (look below, last test)

OS: OS X 10.14 (Mojave) GPU: AMD RX 480


The app is functional: no crash. Minor troubles: Same issue on resize as marked from Alzathar and others. GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW works well on move the window from main viewport to outside, but outside, the inactive window, need TWO click to get focus: with the first it come topmost, with second get the focus. Here, on the taskbar, you only see the main program icon with or without ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsNoTaskBarIcon.

OS: Windows 10. GPU: NVidia RTX 2070


The app is almost perfect: I used it for a long time an works fine, no crashes, no errors! Only thing I noticed, when I step on the ColorEdit box (in a window outside main viewport) with the mouse, the popup appear for an istant on main viewport (top left corner), like in linux, but only once, for very few frames,


and after it is positioned in the correct position.


It does it again if I move the mouse and reposition it. On RTX 2070 is very rapid, the movie capture do not catch it all times

That's all. If I need more tests, particular outputs, or anything else, I will be happy to be useful.


ocornut commented 5 years ago

Thank @BrutPitt for your reports and all the details. It will take me a while to get through all the stuff in this thread and I'll probably need to obtain Mac/Linux machines to make more sensible possible on many of those machines.

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

This weekend, with some time available, I did some tests/debug on linux. If it could be useful: the application crash on the ColorEdit box popup window, in the ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos(ImGuiViewport* viewport) function of _imgui_implglfw.cpp file (line:504), when call glfwGetWindowPos(data->Window, &x, &y);

static ImVec2 ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos(ImGuiViewport* viewport)
    ImGuiViewportDataGlfw* data = (ImGuiViewportDataGlfw*)viewport->PlatformUserData;
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    glfwGetWindowPos(data->Window, &x, &y);
    return ImVec2((float)x, (float)y);

because data == NULL

Calls stak

ImGui_ImplGlfw_GetWindowPos imgui_impl_glfw.cpp:504
ImGui::UpdateViewports imgui.cpp:7303
ImGui::NewFrame imgui.cpp:3307
mainImGuiDlgClass::renderImGui uiMainDlg.cpp:1945
mainGLApp::mainLoop glApp.cpp:502
main glApp.cpp:540
__libc_start_main 0x00007ff29e79e11b
_start 0x00000000004086da

(This happens occasionally, almost infrequently, not in every call)

If I use:

if(data && data->Window) glfwGetWindowPos(data->Window, &x, &y);

the application does not crash anymore, nor with the ColorEdit popup, nor with any other popup. But I guess that we must understand why data==NULL.

ebachard commented 5 years ago

Little update:

Using up-to-date viewport branch Processor : Intel x86_64 Linuxmint 18.3 using SDL2 + OpenGL3 WM : Gnome + Compiz compositor

I just wanted to add, that there is no more crash with recent changes. Thanks @ocornut !

Remain the window dancing when moving close to the limit of the main window. After some tries, it appears that:

Once out of the main window : no problem.

Last but not least : same issue with other window manager ( e.g. metacity without compositor)

@ocornut : I think you are very close to something working well.

ocornut commented 5 years ago

Everyone on SDL, can you try replacing the code that sets the io.MousePos to use the absolute mouse coordinates without a back and forth:

e.g in imgui_impl_sdl.cpp

    SDL_Window* focused_window = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus();
    if (focused_window)
        // SDL_GetMouseState() gives mouse position seemingly based on the last window entered/focused(?)
        // The creation of new windows at runtime and SDL_CaptureMouse both seems to severely mess up with that, so we retrieve that position globally.
        int wx, wy;
        SDL_GetWindowPosition(focused_window, &wx, &wy);
        SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(&mx, &my);
        mx -= wx;
        my -= wy;
    if (ImGuiViewport* viewport = ImGui::FindViewportByPlatformHandle((void*)focused_window))
        io.MousePos = ImVec2(viewport->Pos.x + (float)mx, viewport->Pos.y + (float)my);

Change to

    SDL_Window* focused_window = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus();
    if (focused_window)
        // SDL_GetMouseState() gives mouse position seemingly based on the last window entered/focused(?)
        // The creation of new windows at runtime and SDL_CaptureMouse both seems to severely mess up with that, so we retrieve that position globally.
        SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(&mx, &my);
    if (ImGuiViewport* viewport = ImGui::FindViewportByPlatformHandle((void*)focused_window))
        io.MousePos = ImVec2((float)mx, (float)my);

And for GLFW in imgui_impl_glfw.cpp you may try to change

double mouse_x, mouse_y;
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mouse_x, &mouse_y);
io.MousePos = ImVec2((float)mouse_x + viewport->Pos.x, (float)mouse_y + viewport->Pos.y);


double mouse_x, mouse_y;
int window_x, window_y;
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mouse_x, &mouse_y);
glfwGetWindowPos(window, &window_x, &window_y);
io.MousePos = ImVec2((float)mouse_x + (float)window_x, (float)mouse_y + (float)window_y);
ebachard commented 5 years ago

As fast feedback:

I'm using up-to-date viewport branch Processor : Intel x86_64 Linuxmint 18.3 using SDL2 + OpenGL 3.0 + glsl 130 (works the same way using OpenGL 3.3 and glsl 150, manualy modified)

After applying your changes + make clean && make, I got one little warning:

./imgui_impl_sdl.cpp:287:24: warning: unused variable ‘viewport’ [-Wunused-variable]

That's imho nothing important, and after that, I tested the sdlgl3_example with the following Window Managers :

=> I didn't detect any issue.

:+1: congratulations !!

Is there anything else to test ?

I forgot : reversing the changes, the flicker is back, so imho you solved this issue.

ocornut commented 5 years ago

Nice :)

Is there anything else to test ?

Could you test the GLFW version? Also hoping for feedback from other users.

This code made sense to allow the same code to work with both Viewport enabled and disabled, but instead I will add an if/else block.

Ylannl commented 5 years ago

Nice :)

Is there anything else to test ?

Could you test the GLFW version? Also hoping for feedback from other users.

This code made sense to allow the same code to work with both Viewport enabled and disabled, but instead I will add an if/else block.

I just tried 89a530b442d2f989e5ab58e16037c28c990eef9c (viewport branch) on my Retina screen (macOS 10.14.1/GLFW 3.2.1/OpenGL 3). The clipping bug that I reported earlier is still there (with and without the code change that you suggested).

The docking branch on the other hand works great and is already integrated in my current project.

ebachard commented 5 years ago

As suggested, I did a kick test using glfw:

Same conditions:

After applying your changes + make clean && make, I still see two issues:

  1. moving an ImGui window outside of the glfw window: Starting point: glfw example + OpenGL3, both hello world and demo window inside the glfw Window.

When I try to move a Dear ImGui window outside of the glfw Window, I have to do it in two moves, because there is sort of ' resistance ' when the ImGui window border reaches and starts to overlap the glfw window border. This makes the mouse cursor no longer dragging the window, and I need to click a second time on the ImGui window to continue dragging it outside. the border. Once done, no other apparent problem occurs (e.g. no more flickering)

  1. moving an ImGui window from outside, into the glfw window :

Starting point : in the previous try, one ImGui windows was left outside of the glfw Window.

Restarting the glfw example, there is one ImGui window (here the Hello world window) outside of the glfw Window, while the demo is inside.

The issue : I simply can't drag the outside ImGui window, who's stuck to the background. Looks like it cannot be focused anymore.

No problem with the Demo window, who can be focused when put outside, and put back inside after.

Both issues described above occur with or without compositor, using:

Waiting for other to confirm.

Lecrapouille commented 5 years ago

Nice progress :) on amd64 + XFCE + glfw3 I no longer notice bugs that I reported:

Bug still present:

The SDL version always worked fine for me :)

Alzathar commented 5 years ago

@ocornut The following GIF uses the proposed patch for GLFW applied to the viewport branch commit 3a678d4 under macOS 10.12.6 (Xcode 9.2)

imgui-viewport-example-glfw-opengl3 3a678d4_optimized

Compared to the original bug report (see ii. in this comment), the jumping window problem is gone: 👍. However, you can see other issues:

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

I tested last version of viewports and apply the GLFW patch:


On Linux remains just the little trouble of the "main window border": the window that is coming out stumbles in the edge when leaves the mainvieport, and the mouse loses the "grip" (drag). This happens on focus changing: when the mainviewport loses the focus EDIT: I tried glfwWindowHint(GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW, false); and on Linux do not solves the problem

Also here, as in Linux:

And also on Mojave (OS X 10.14) confirm the trouble described from @Alzathar But without the patch it's worse: the resizing (with the same problem) continues also without moving the mouse

ghost commented 5 years ago

(Posting here as ocornut told me to put it here) Hello,

I just tried the newest docking branch(1.66b) on Linux(Ubuntu 18.10, Gnome). And noticed some serious issues. I am using the glfw_opengl3 example.

First, whenever I drag a ImGui window out of the main ImGui window, it stops dragging, probably because it lost focus. This is annoying, but might be the fault of GLFW instead of ImGUI(It works fine in the SDL example) Do you know if it's possible for me to solve this?

Second issue, when resizing the actual window in ImGUi on an external window, ImGui is resizing too slow. But when the window is resized using decorations, it works just fine: resizingimgui First, resizing on a normal window is shown, then resizing using ImGui handle on a decorated window, and then using native Gnome Window handle to resize. Notice how resizing with the nativie Gnome handle doesn't cause artifacts. So, why does that happen? How is resizing in ImGui different from resizing from code? What is being done differently?(Are you maybe precalculating what the Window size should be or something?) This isn't really a bug though, it's more of an annoyance.

Could anyone help me with this?


Edit: With a new commit, the shaky dragging is now resolved! Which was one of my most important problems. The resizing annoyance/artifact still remains, but is something I can live with or maybe fix myself. The part where it stops dragging also remains, but that is also something I can live with and quite likely fix myself. Thank you very much to @ocornut for creating such a great library!

ocornut commented 5 years ago

Glad this getting better with the new changes! I now made a commit with the change I mentioned above: f3a0b17bb8be22c8ae88a6a064c25c1cf13c3c72

For the rest I'm afraid I may not be able to spend much time on it, I don't even have a Linux box and I don't have a client asking for it. Some changes may requires designing and pushing patches for GLFW (see Wiki "Help Wanted"). Someone probably needs to step in and spend the required hours/days to understand and fix those things but it's not going to be a five minute thing (I spent hundreds of hours on it for Win32 and the current api). I can assist and answer some questions but I don't have the bandwidth nor energy to do for a system I am not using at the moment.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Glad this getting better with the new changes! I now made a commit with the change I mentioned above: f3a0b17

For the rest I'm afraid I may not be able to spend much time on it, I don't even have a Linux box and I don't have a client asking for it. Some changes may requires designing and pushing patches for GLFW (see Wiki "Help Wanted"). Someone probably needs to step in and spend the required hours/days to understand and fix those things but it's not going to be a five minute thing (I spent hundreds of hours on it for Win32 and the current api). I can assist and answer some questions but I don't have the bandwidth nor energy to do for a system I am not using at the moment.

I might be able to help a bit, I am quite familliar with OpenGL and Linux, and I know how to use GLFW. For the window out of main window dragging problem, a possible solution might be to remember you kept the mouse pressed, and just reuse that event, then wait for the mouse to get released again. A global mouse button check function might also be possible.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone!

Unfortunately, I found another bug: imguidragging What's happening is that the windows are prevented from moving off my screen, so the Windows can't move off screen, but the mouse still moves down, this causes this weird thing where the dock icons move up on the window. My guess on what's going on is is that ImGui draws the buttons on the other windows as well so they are visible when dragging a window over it, but it doesn't expect the mouse to move down when the Window doesn't, thus the buttons/icons move up. Which is visible in the gif.

Is there already a fix for that? My guess on a possible fix would be to allow windows to go off screen, or use the window position instead of the mouse position for moving the docking icons/buttons.


BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

@ocornut The trouble of viewport that stops on border of the screen, there is only in Linux (tested on Fedora 28), no problem on OS X. Did not notice this yesterday (had escaped me), but is present also on previous commit, and also w/o patch. tttt

In the animated gif, the window remains blocked on border, but the cursor goes down, and when I release the mouse, ImGui thinks that it is still on caption, indeed, when I continue to go down, the widgets above cursor are highlighted... and the synchronization between coordinate of viewport and cursor, is lost. Same thing on left and right border.

ocornut commented 5 years ago

I suppose we need to read back the viewport position after setting it. Could you test that and see if the altered value is immediately reported?

Is a moved event being sent to the window?

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're asking, what do you want me to check: i can debug it only this evening (and I do it gladly), but for now I run windows metrics, an I notice that view port and clipping rectangles are correctly reported... also the graphics representation of viewports inside windowmetrics is correct (the window continues to go down), but on screen it appears blocked on the edge. Edit: Also windows position, from windows metrics, appears to be reported correctly... it continues to increment while it is blocked but I'll be able to study in deep only later

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

An animated gif of what I said / tested tttt1

ocornut commented 5 years ago

I am assuming the position limitation is enforced by your window manager?

When we call:

        // Apply Position and Size (from ImGui to Platform/Renderer back-ends)
        if ((viewport->LastPlatformPos.x != viewport->Pos.x || viewport->LastPlatformPos.y != viewport->Pos.y) && !viewport->PlatformRequestMove)
            g.PlatformIO.Platform_SetWindowPos(viewport, viewport->Pos);

Can you 1) call g.PlatformIO.Platform_GetWindowPos() right after to see if the reported position differs already? (aka the window manager modified the position we requested). 2) add printf log to the code doing viewport->PlatformRequestMove = true and see if the modification is ever reported by the SDL/GLFW event system.

I'm hoping that at least 1) is true, in which case you may need to always call Platform_GetWindowPos() after calling Platform_SetWindowPos(), if they differ we will need to convey that information by setting PlatformRequestMove=true in UpdatePlatformWindows() and making sure this is not immediately clearerd at the end of the function.

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

Now I have little time, but I did, on the fly:

Window position before to move:

GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 883
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 883
GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 883
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 883

When I starting to move, i get already some difference:

GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 891
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 893
GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 891
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 893
GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 891
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 893
GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 891
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 895
GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 891
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 896
GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 895
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 898
GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 898
ViewportPos - x: 1403, y: 899
GetWndPos   - x: 1403, y: 898
ViewportPos - x: 1402, y: 901

But I guess it can be normal

When I reach the edge (975 upper y of window):

ViewportPos - x: 1395, y: 975
GetWndPos   - x: 1396, y: 971
ViewportPos - x: 1395, y: 977
GetWndPos   - x: 1395, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1395, y: 979
GetWndPos   - x: 1395, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1395, y: 981
GetWndPos   - x: 1395, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1394, y: 984
GetWndPos   - x: 1394, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1394, y: 985
GetWndPos   - x: 1394, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1394, y: 988
GetWndPos   - x: 1394, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1394, y: 991
GetWndPos   - x: 1394, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1393, y: 994
GetWndPos   - x: 1393, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1393, y: 996
GetWndPos   - x: 1393, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1393, y: 999
GetWndPos   - x: 1393, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1393, y: 1000
GetWndPos   - x: 1393, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1392, y: 1003
GetWndPos   - x: 1393, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1392, y: 1007
GetWndPos   - x: 1392, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1392, y: 1008
GetWndPos   - x: 1392, y: 975
ViewportPos - x: 1392, y: 1009
GetWndPos   - x: 1392, y: 975

This evening more depth test

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

I think it's a problem of glfwSetWindowPos on LINUX

I test it a little bit.. EDIT: My GLFW version is 3.3 (end October/November)... but now I try different versions Has someone else problems with GLFW and windows that do not go out of the desktop? What version of GLFW?

EDIT more: With same version of GLFW, on Windows 10 and on OS X 10.14.1, the windows can go (partially) out the desktop with glfwSetWindowPos call

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

OS: Fedora 28 WM: Metacity and Marco with MATE Desktop Environment GPU NVidia 1050Ti

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS WM: metacity, xfwm4 and marco with MATE and XFCE Desktop Environment GPU RX 480

GLFW 3.3.0 and 3.2.1 OpenGL 4.1 and 4.5

I'm Sorry for another post, but I found the cause of the problem. On linux, in some Windows Managers (metacity/marco/xfwm4) there is a feature called placement mode "snapping window": a window in contact with a border of other window, or in contact with border of desktop, causes a slight "resistance" of the mouse before "unsticking" the window and moving again , and this blocks 'glfwSetWindowPos' on edge of desktop. (snapping has confused me)

Indeed, if I help the window get over the edge, glfwSetWindowPos works again: tttt2 In the animated gif, glfwSetWindowPos is called inside main loop, and the window should be positioned always over the lower edge, but it fails. If I drag it over the border and leave it, the window goes to the right place. (note the drag resistance of the mouse on the edge)

I did not find the way to disable this feature (at least for now) from within the above-mentioned windows managers, there is only may to change the placement type, via dconf-editor. I tested glfwSetWindowPos and ImGui-viewports under Compiz (with Place Window option disabled) and this problem does not occur.

EDIT: with snapping enabled, also Compiz manifest same trouble: the problem is really the snapping feature The option that on Compiz enable/disable the "desktop constraint" of the window, is Place Window (not snapping)

rg-net commented 5 years ago

I suspect this is because the window type hints may be incorrect on the floating window. _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR is probably the ATOM that should be used.

I expect this is what the window manager is using to decide whether to apply the snappy feature. It's at least worth a check. If the window has the_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL ATOM it will probably always snap...

BrutPitt commented 5 years ago

Tank you for your suggestion, but it does not seem to work:

    Atom type = XInternAtom(_glfw.x11.display,"_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False);
    Atom value = XInternAtom(_glfw.x11.display,"_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR", False);
    XChangeProperty(_glfw.x11.display, window->x11.handle, type, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &value, 1);

I fear it may be a little more complex. I read that is need to play with override redirect attribute of the window, but after window manager will stop doing anything for us.

Anyway, perhaps it's more a GLFW "problem", if it is really a problem, because the same behavior there is also in SDL.

rg-net commented 5 years ago

This sounds definitely like an X11 problem. There are a ton of windows hint possibilities and every WM deals with it differently. MATE does honor EWMH. So I'm pretty sure this is the issue. Dealing with X11 Atoms is like pulling teeth. Here is the spec:


Sorry I can't be more help...

rg-net commented 5 years ago

PS. There may be an exclude option on MATE to only affect certain window types. I'm not very familiar with MATE so I can't say.

ebachard commented 5 years ago

For the record, I have tested the most recent Multi viewports branch on Linux with my own software, and it works very well.

Using : LinuxMint (custom kernel 4.15.18, Mate + Compiz + hardware compositing), using g++-7 and gcc-7

miniDart 0.9.2 + SDL2 (2.0.9) + OpenGL 3 ( glslversion #130) + up to date viewports branch.

The issues I found are for most of them on my side (my fault). Here are the remaining one I found on Linux, if ever they are valid (maybe my fault too):

The code I'm using (maybe I did something wrong ?)

// kept to illustrate the example
static bool open = true;
ImGuiWindowFlags mD_window_flags = 0;

// for testing purpose : will be simplified soon
static bool no_titlebar = true;
static bool no_resize = true;
static bool no_move = false;
static bool no_scrollbar = false;
static bool no_collapse = true;
static bool menu = false;

if (no_titlebar)  mD_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar;
if (no_resize)    mD_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize;
if (no_move)      mD_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove;
if (no_scrollbar) mD_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar;
if (no_collapse)  mD_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse;
if (menu)         mD_window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar;

// some geometry. 24.0f seems to be the height of the main menubar
ImVec2 windowSize(ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.x, ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.y - 24.0f);

// Without the two lines below, we can obtain 2 windows :
// -  one sort of ghost window (no move, no borders ..., located under the main one,
// -  one main window receiving no events ...

ImVec2 main_viewport_pos = ImGui::GetMainViewport()->Pos;
// after we reduced the window size, we translate it from the same value
// Last : check whether the position is really 0,24 for this window in imgui.ini
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(main_viewport_pos.x,main_viewport_pos.y + 24.0f));

if (ImGui::Begin(APPLICATION_VERSION_STRING, &open, mD_window_flags))
    if (ImGui::BeginMainMenuBar

Image 1 : before menu population multi_viewports_rendering_issue_before Image2 : after


Workaround: resize the window, and everything is ok.

Second way to reproduce : move a window outside, and resize it while overlapping the main window => same result : the image in the main window is no longer rendered (same context seems to be cleaned up). Same workaround : resize the window.

Last, I didn't find the time to try on Windows (same code, after cross compilation using mingw)

Feel free to ask if I forgot something.

Quick update : tested today (2019 january 3rd 12h00 french hour), with a fresh git pull, and no change: the same issues occur, the both ways.

eliasdaler commented 5 years ago

Is there some list of things to test / fix on Linux? Minimal repro cases will be very appreciated, so I can focus on lower level details.