ocornut / imgui

Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
MIT License
58.19k stars 9.97k forks source link

Gallery: Post your screenshots / code here (PART 11) #3075

Open ocornut opened 4 years ago

ocornut commented 4 years ago

This is Part 11, I am splitting issues to reduce loading times and locked the old ones.

Browse all threads using the gallery label.

Also see: Software using dear imgui (you can help complete the list!)

Screenshots Part 1 #123 Screenshots Part 2 #539 Screenshots Part 3 #772 Screenshots Part 4 #973 Screenshots Part 5 #1269 Screenshots Part 6 #1607 Screenshots Part 7 #1902 Screenshots Part 8 #2265 Screenshots Part 9 #2529 Screenshots Part 10 #2847 Screenshots Part 11 #3075 Screenshots Part 12 #3488 Screenshots Part 13 #3793 Screenshots Part 14 #4451 [...] see gallery label link above for newer pages.

You can post your screenshots here!

aduermael commented 4 years ago

We're using ImGui in Particubes, though it may not be easy to recognize it. 🙂

It will be available on iOS, Android, macOS & Windows devices. The project is not open source, but we will open source parts of it. Including the layer we added on top of Dear ImGui to implement that kind of GUI.

In Particubes, you can script games, and that includes GUI of course. We worked on an auto layout system users will be able to use in Lua to display their own buttons, labels, etc. For games to look good on all screen factors and be enjoyable with mouse & keyboard or touch events.

Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 9 43 06 AM Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 9 42 19 AM Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 9 42 42 AM Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 9 43 31 AM Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 9 44 27 AM
parbo commented 4 years ago

image spim-tour

I work at Spotify, and on my hackdays I've been making a Spotify client using Dear Imgui. I'm using the docking branch, and the new table API. It uses the same C++ library as our mobile and desktop clients use, and the UI is roughly 6000 lines of code.

Update: worked a bit on better styling:

image (5)

Ristovski commented 4 years ago

@parbo That is amazing! Am I safe to assume there is only a very slim chance of this being released? Not quite familiar with Spotify licensing or if they would prohibit the release of something like this (while directly using the Spotify C++ lib)

gallickgunner commented 4 years ago

Converted my previous project from NanoGUI to Dear-ImGui, didn't know about dear imgui back then :) The project is basically an educational raytracer/pathtracer on the gpu. For more information you can check the project's github . Nothing fancy here, just a few basic widgets. editor

mkalte666 commented 4 years ago

Due to the nature of data i deal with, i was kinda in need of a callback-based plotting widget that also handles doubles.

I let myself be inspired by both PlotLines() and https://github.com/soulthreads/imgui-plot - and endet up with something that, for now, looks like this:

2020-03-29_16-52 2020-03-29_16-55

My current todo for this is

I work on this over here: https://github.com/mkalte666/imguiplot

ocornut commented 4 years ago

Due to the nature of data i deal with, i was kinda in need of a callback-based plotting widget that also handles doubles.

Nice work! Maybe plotting widgets lately, also see #3067 by @epezent. Copying their picture/gif here as they haven't been posted here:

Zooming/Panning 1

Misc. Controls 2

Set Labels and Show/Hide Elements 3

Real Time Plotting 4

Adapts to Current Theme 6

Thousands of Points! 5

In Practice Screenshot 2020-03-21 21 44 55



ocornut commented 4 years ago

NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter uses Dear ImGui: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-exporter


We're slowly entering an era where it'll become harder to spot Dear ImGui in some applications when they are using custom widgets (in the case of this, it's clearer when using the app, and the licence information explicitly mention dear imgui)

floooh commented 4 years ago

Not my screenshot, but I just noticed that Heatblur Simulations is using Dear ImGui as debugging UI in the F-14 module for DCS World :)

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpPXxz70odo

Edit: and a different screenshot with Dear ImGui found here: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=268159


sonoro1234 commented 4 years ago

Little script in https://github.com/sonoro1234/anima for making 3D models from photos.


aiekick commented 4 years ago

ImGuiFontStudio :

Repo and twit/video

A cross platform tool for subset a font or generate a source file (based on IconFontCppHeaders) With him you can also merge many font in one (wip)

The goal is to simplify the process for have icons font file for use with Dear ImGui in embedded mode or not.

Some pictures :

ImGuiFontStudio_Msvc_Win32_UnKOShXcuw ImGuiFontStudio_Msvc_Win32_hmihsJPgvk ImGuiFontStudio_Msvc_Win32_D6h1sAEByc

CallumDev commented 4 years ago

Model Viewer/Hardpointer for Librelancer, 2 years later from thread 6.


ocornut commented 4 years ago

This Final Fantasy VII Remake demo shows dear imgui briefly as part of an audio thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=675&v=DliMpiemUy8&feature=emb_title

Inside FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE – Episode 4 Music and Sound Effects (Closed Captions) 1 mp4_snapshot_11 18_ 2020 04 09_12 07 38

Main menu bar appears to be same font so probably dear imgui, shows a bunch of menu items: Renderer, DataBase, DataTable, Field, Party, Battle, Cinema, Effect, ???, Sound, Scene, Tale, NavMesh, Animation, Physics, Command, System, MiniGame, Example, QA.

ocornut commented 4 years ago

From upcoming game "Teardown" via one of their twitch http://teardowngame.com/ teardown

ocornut commented 4 years ago

From #3114, Tracy Profiler adding markers/decorations over scrollbars is a nice idea I haven't really seen done in a dear imgui app before: 79002651-30d42b80-7b51-11ea-92cc-362b5cd58fc0

Misc shots of Tracy Profiler:



jurgen-kluft commented 4 years ago

RemedyBG (C++ Debugger for Windows) also uses dear imgui (https://remedybg.handmade.network/) p-remedybg-tt01

elvissteinjr commented 4 years ago

Desktop+, a desktop mirroring overlay application for SteamVR, is using Dear ImGui for its user interface.


This involved adapting ImGui to take inputs from the OpenVR API, which turned out to be fairly simple. Thank you for this wonderful library!

In terms of ImGui showcase the UI isn't anything fancy, but gets the job done. It being in VR has some novelty at least, I hope.

Edit: Version 2.1 is out and looks a bit better than this. I don't want to spam another post, so for the off-chance it this is considered interesting enough for a release post or just as a fellow up, the current screenshot is here

ocornut commented 4 years ago

VX2 by Spectrals (won 1st place PC Demo at Revision 2020) http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=85304

https://twitter.com/Speedoog/status/1249776515316944897 "Here's some screenshots of our edition tool with lots of dear imgui windows :) You can see the sequencer, keyframable property editor, curves, math expressions, effect tester, debug etc ... Sequencer is based on a fork of ImSequencer by @skaven_ Thanks to you too "





wolfpld commented 4 years ago

More Path of Exile.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itZB1hriaSk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whyJzrVEgVc

danoon2 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this library. I'm working on a platform independent x86 Windows emulator and previously I was using wxWidgets, but I had problems with it looking good across platforms.


jomijomi commented 4 years ago

Might not be super easy to spot, but I’m using Dear ImGui for my VR app BIMXplorer. It works great, I simply love it!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIK-aeI1VLQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54TJJp57rlM imgui_01 imgui_02 imgui_03 imgui_04

pixtur commented 4 years ago

A new version of tooll.io written in ImGui / ImGui.net.


Thanks a lot! ImGui is phenomenal and so much fun to work with.

notnotme commented 4 years ago

Capture du 2020-04-22 14-04-17

This is a chiptune player I do for the nintendo switch using ImGui branches table. I love ImGui. (https://github.com/notnotme/osp)

nem0 commented 4 years ago

Improved my online map viewer image Can be seen live here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scVTdj2vop0

potocpav commented 4 years ago

I made a UI library on top of ImGui in Python, geared towards scientific visualization & image processing. I have been using it at our company for quick, even throw-away GUIs, but also for more complex applications lately.

Repo: https://github.com/potocpav/python-concur Homepage with code samples: https://potocpav.github.io/python-concur-docs/homepage.html

The library uses Python generators for principled event & state handling, and includes some extra widgets (pan & zoom image with overlay) and extra drawing functions (scatter plot, ...). Other than that, it is a thin wrapper on top of ImGui. Here are some examples of the tools I made.

Annotation tool in 60 LOC: gallery-concert

Manual multi-camera calibration: multi-calib

Multi-camera object detection, visualization & parameter tuning: gallery-detect

Stereo camera object detection: gallery-stereo

Single-camera calibration. This is the most polished application to date, including line & spline editing with control points, 3 edit modes, undo/redo, multiple export formats, 600 LOC. single-calib

BLK-Dragon commented 4 years ago

Model/Animation browser & material editor. Pure ImGui (over in-engine DX11-renderer). logrus-content-browser

se5a commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately Github doesn't support WEBM or I'd post a demo here, (gif comes out at 168mb vs 1.3mb webm), but here's some code that you might consider putting into the DearImgui Demo somewhere. Basically I was trying to figure out exactly what all the "GetPostition" and "GetSize" calls actualy... got. so I wrote this. excuse the C#


Edit: I stuck it up on youtube for shits and giggles. https://youtu.be/d1NpjHFSnb4

Kubata pointed out I'm missing (Textline|Frame)Height[WithSpacing] I'll add those soon. maybetomorow.

philrdubois commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately Github doesn't support WEBM or I'd post a demo here, (gif comes out at 168mb vs 1.3mb webm), but here's some code that you might consider putting into the DearImgui Demo somewhere. Basically I was trying to figure out exactly what all the "GetPostition" and "GetSize" calls actualy... got. so I wrote this. excuse the C#


Edit: I stuck it up on youtube for shits and giggles. https://youtu.be/d1NpjHFSnb4

Kubata pointed out I'm missing (Textline|Frame)Height[WithSpacing] I'll add those soon. maybetomorow.

@se5a This is precisely what I believe should be in the documentation. It's a clear visual as to what each function does and leaves no room for misinterpretation.

se5a commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I'll try get around to tweaking it a bit more, some of the things there are guesses. I'll have to dig around in the cpp code to try find out exactly what they're getting sizes of.

Redcrafter commented 4 years ago

I'm using ImGui for my nes emulator out

ocornut commented 4 years ago

Batch of small update - high profile stuff but very few visible tools, so this is more of a "hey this is somehow using dear imgui" than example of fancy uses :)

League of Legends from a RIOT designer tweet league of legends

Clash of Clans from a Bloomberg video (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2019-12-04/how-the-iphone-tormented-the-world-s-happiest-nation-video from 8m29s, thanks Mikko!) clash of clans

Some control ui for a cool robot by Boston Dynamics being put to bad use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DJmIjKtVkA Capture

And an update of Avoyd (https://www.avoyd.com) always looking good: avoyd

BLK-Dragon commented 4 years ago

Early version of particle/effect editor. Pure ImGui over in-engine DX11 renderer. EffectEd-1

epezent commented 4 years ago

ImPlot has received a load of new features since it was posted above by @ocornut:

Log Axes:

Log Axes

Multi Axis:

Multi-Y AXis



Filled Plots:

Filled Plots

Pie Charts

Pie Charts

Marker Options:

Marker Optoins

Error Bars:


Heat Maps:


Teknologicus commented 4 years ago


Wrapper around ImGui::ImDrawList::Draw...() calls which provides a stateful canvas for drawing primitives. I'm unsure if others will find this useful, but I'm putting it out there...

jrdmellow commented 4 years ago

image Simple input debugging overlay with some custom rendering for input axes.

sammyfreg commented 4 years ago

Release of NetImgui

NetImgui is a library to remotely display and control Dear ImGui menus with an associated netImgui server application. Designed to painlessly integrate into existing codebase with few changes required to the existing logic.

Initially created to assist game developers in debugging their game from a PC while it runs on console. However, its use can easily be extended to other fields.


Helps with inputs NetImguiInput

Help to declutter the screen NetImguiClutter

berkayylmao commented 4 years ago

A little unusual but still wanted to share. I needed to achieve a specific style of an ImGui window to not clutter the whole screen so I modified the docking branch a little bit. Created windows are docked instantly into a floating window and cannot be reordered or undocked. They all share the same p_open value, automatically resize the floating window to fit their content and the selected tab index is kept alive through creation/destruction. snapshot With all my local edits, the window in the gif is created with this code:

if (ImGui::Begin(CONSTANT_szUITitleMain)) {
  ImGui::FullWidthButton("Start Chaos");

if (ImGui::Begin(CONSTANT_szUITitleConfig)) {

if (ImGui::Begin(CONSTANT_szUITitleAbout)) {

ImGui::Together<3>(&details::ui_visible, CONSTANT_szUITitleMain, CONSTANT_szUITitleConfig, CONSTANT_szUITitleAbout);
ocornut commented 4 years ago

@berkayylmao May be wrong but I feel you could achieve the same result with a regular window with no title bar, starting with a tab bar, and using the AlwaysAutoResize flag? You would just need to be able to add a Close button somewhere.

berkayylmao commented 4 years ago

@ocornut Yeah, probably. I know the floating host window in the docking branch does exactly what you said. Hijacking it felt a little easier though, since the other way around I'd basically need to write code for another floating host window. AlwaysAutoResize fails to scale down at times since I am using GetRegionAvail() for the buttons and simple columns. It's just a quick hack I put together while testing the docking branch. edit: This also has the additional benefit of having full-on windows as well, SetNextWindow*() functions etc. work automatically without me having to write code for them per tab idx. I think it's why I went this way, I honestly can't remember.

andres-asm commented 4 years ago

I'm using ImGui for my emulator frontend, it's a great tool to make a fast gui you can use during development.


I maybe move to the docking branch soon so I can have several core windows become tabs within a single window seamlessly.

That said I'm still uncertain of how to achieve a gui like parsec's, I want the final program to have a 10-foot style gui.

pthom commented 4 years ago

Hello, Dear ImGui is a library which is a kind of "starter pack" for ImGui that enables to write multiplatform Gui apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Emscripten, and hopefuly soon Android; with the simplicity of a "Hello World" app.

demo docking Online demo

Online Emscripten/Wasm demos

Hello, World Advanced Docking Classic ImGui Demo
Hello, World Advanced Docking demo ImGui classic demo
Code Code Code


Backends : SDL2 + OpenGL 3 or OpenGLES3, Glfw3 + OpenGL 3, Qt

Adding backends should be easy : they are implemented by deriving an abstract class whose methods follow closely the steps found in the ImGui backend examples.

Hello, World

With HelloImGui, the equivalent of the "Hello, World!" can be written with 8 C++ lines + 2 CMake lines, and it will run with no additional modifications (including the cmake code) on all platforms.


#include "hello_imgui/hello_imgui.h"
int main(int, char **)
        []{ ImGui::Text("Hello, world!"); }, // Gui code
        { 200.f, 50.f },                     // Window Size
        "Hello!" );                          // Window title
    return 0;


helloimgui_add_app(hello_world main.cpp)
ghost commented 4 years ago

It's still a work in progress but here's an online pixel art editor I made using ImGui. There's also a desktop version but the online one is the only one being deployed right now.

Screenshot_2020-06-24 PX Editor

The source code is at: https://github.com/tay10r/libpx

And the website is at: https://tay10r.github.io/libpx_site/editor/pxedit_browser.html

Moneyl commented 4 years ago

Working on a map viewer / modding tool for Red Faction Guerrilla. Right now it's rendering the bounding box of each zone object. Working on loading some of it's mesh formats next.

Project28_8FcRa21AJJ Project28_eFMMTVceEU

erickjung commented 4 years ago

I'm glad to introduce Mockingbird, a tool designed to simplify software testing and development, helping with data inspection and manipulation. With a minimalist user interface, you can easily navigate through data, mock any HTTP(s)' system, and get insights.


Screenshot 2020-06-29 at 10 12 34 Screenshot 2020-06-29 at 10 20 42 Screenshot 2020-06-29 at 10 21 43 Screenshot 2020-06-29 at 10 54 38

Thank you @ocornut for the amazing work on imgui. :)

pthom commented 4 years ago

ImGui Manual is an attempt to make an enjoyable and efficient manual for ImGui.

The idea is to use the reference code in imgui_demo.cpp in order to make an interactive manual.

Below is a screenshot:


But the best way to discover it is I to use it, since it is online:

click on this link to open it

The video below gives a quick (2 minutes) introduction:

video on youtube

This is a first implementation, and I am opened to suggestions and modifications if this manual is seen as interesting for the community.

ocornut commented 4 years ago

Wow @pthom, this is wonderful and very exciting. There are so many things we could do along those lines that I’d love to see explored. I’ll look at this further and will reach for comments.

pthom commented 4 years ago

Wow @pthom, this is wonderful and very exciting. There are so many things we could do along those lines that I’d love to see explored. I’ll look at this further and will reach for comments.

Happy that you like it! Ping me when you want! @ocornut : I created a specific issue for this subject, in order to reduce the noise in this thread :-)

JakeCoxon commented 4 years ago

I forked ImGui to make it look like windows98. Mainly for a bit of fun, learning the codebase and potentially make an app that looked like this style



Morloth1274 commented 3 years ago

Swapped my own GUI implementation for Dear ImGui in my 3D editor / engine. The paradigm of Dear ImGui matches very nicely with the underlying Entity-Component-System architecture. It cut down the GUI code drastically and no longer gives me an headache having to update the GUI code ;). Amazing job!

Youtube cover new GUI

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/bramridder Website: http://bramridder.com/conc8/index.php/hobby-projects/projects/dreaded-portal-engine

tlbtlbtlb commented 3 years ago

Yoga Studio is an IDE for robotics, with tools for exploring the space of control parameters. Open source at https://gitlab.com/umbrellaresearch/yoga2/

gmagno commented 3 years ago

I've moved recently from Ubuntu to Arch and felt disappointed with the lack of image viewers provided by the community </joke> so I found my pretext to play with Dear ImGui and write my own OpenGL based image viewer. Repo: https://github.com/gmagno/igl
