ocornut / imgui

Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
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Tables: content covering the entire row or spanning multiple columns #3565

Open azmr opened 3 years ago

azmr commented 3 years ago
Dear ImGui 1.80 WIP (17905)
sizeof(size_t): 8, sizeof(ImDrawIdx): 2, sizeof(ImDrawVert): 20
define: __cplusplus=201402
define: _WIN32
define: _WIN64
define: _MSC_VER=1916
define: __clang_version__=9.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_900/final)
io.BackendPlatformName: imgui_impl_win32
io.BackendRendererName: imgui_impl_dx9
io.ConfigFlags: 0x00000001
io.ConfigWindowsMemoryCompactTimer = 60.0f
io.BackendFlags: 0x0000000E
io.Fonts: 1 fonts, Flags: 0x00000000, TexSize: 512,128
io.DisplaySize: 944.00,1012.00
io.DisplayFramebufferScale: 1.00,1.00
style.WindowPadding: 8.00,4.00
style.WindowBorderSize: 1.00
style.FramePadding: 10.00,6.00
style.FrameRounding: 3.00
style.FrameBorderSize: 0.00
style.ItemSpacing: 8.00,4.00
style.ItemInnerSpacing: 8.00,4.00

Branch: tables (using cimgui-generated code)

My Issue/Question:

I'm liking the tables API so far but I've hit the edge of what I can easily see how to do. I'm trying to have some content (a graph currently) span all columns in a new row of the table.

Some approaches I've tried/considered:

If you were to expand the API, some options might include:

Screenshots/Video image

ocornut commented 3 years ago

Hello, Thanks for the detailed issue.

The way Selectable() with ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns works is that it calls PushTableBackground() but it is rather specialized because it push both a full-width clipping rectangle and draw in a specific "background" channel used by cell background and borders. It might work for you and will push the clip rect but WorkRect/ContentsRect won't be set so item width will need to be specified manually.

More general cell-spanning is currently unimplemented and it is in the TODO list (visible in the main Tables thread), but "full row spanning" should be easier to implement as we already have a suitable clip rect.

Some complication coming to mind:

I'll have to think about if there are quick paths to get that done, but in the meanwhile if you push a clip rect while in any column you should be able to render that stuff.

ocornut commented 3 years ago

Hello again Andrew,

In my initial answer I overlooked one important feature of tables, which is that same-id table share their settings and storage. Added a demo for it now:


What it means is that in some usage contexts, you might be able to solve your problem by just closing the table, outputting your stuff and then reopening. Now, arguably this is a bit of a workaround and it is likely to incur noticeable overhead if you use it a lot (e.g. for every line). But it may be a good workaround for more occasional use.

azmr commented 3 years ago

Thanks Omar. Based on your previous recommendation I ended up using a clip rect, which I think is probably the more appropriate solution in my case. I'll bear this in mind for other, similar situations though.

Naufragous commented 3 years ago

Hello Omar.

What it means is that in some usage contexts, you might be able to solve your problem by just closing the table, outputting your stuff and then reopening.

Thank you for this suggestion, it helped me a lot!

I would like to point out a small pitfall that I encountered. The ImGui::BeginTableEx function internally constructs an ID based on the user provided ID and the instance number. The instance number is incremented each time you reopen a table with the same ID. This aspect is documented in imgui_internal.h:

struct ImGuiTable {
    ImS16 InstanceCurrent; // Count of BeginTable() calls with same ID in the same frame (generally 0). This is a little bit similar to BeginCount for a window, but multiple table with same ID look are multiple tables, they are just synched.

This means that the ID stack of widgets inside the table(s) can change upon user interaction. In my case this messed with the internal state and behavior of TreeNodeEx widgets. I was able to solve this by manipulating the ID stack directly:

#include "imgui_internal.h"
void f() {
    if (ImGui::BeginTable(outer_table_id, column_count, flags)) {
        bool outer_table_closed = false;
        for (auto const &row : rows) {
            if (outer_table_closed && ImGui::BeginTable(outer_table_id, column_count, flags)) {
                outer_table_closed = false;
            bool tree_node_open;
                auto &id_stack = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow()->IDStack;
                auto const outer_table_instance_id = id_stack.back();
                tree_node_open = ImGui::TreeNodeEx("unique tree node", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen);
            if (tree_node_open) {
                outer_table_closed = true;
                if (ImGui::BeginTable( /* ... */ )) {
        if (outer_table_closed == false) {

In my opinion this also happens to look better than having the nested table inside a row of the outer table. Win-win : )

Thanks again for the great library, Omar! Good luck

hls333555 commented 3 years ago

Hello again Andrew,

In my initial answer I overlooked one important feature of tables, which is that same-id table share their settings and storage. Added a demo for it now:


What it means is that in some usage contexts, you might be able to solve your problem by just closing the table, outputting your stuff and then reopening. Now, arguably this is a bit of a workaround and it is likely to incur noticeable overhead if you use it a lot (e.g. for every line). But it may be a good workaround for more occasional use.

Thanks for your great idea! However, I have found an issue with this, if those synced tables do not have same height, for instance, synced table 0 has 3 rows while synced table 1 has 6 rows, I cannot drag inner border on lower part of synced table 1 (the hit test on that part will fail). I have found the related code shown below:

    // At this point OuterRect height may be zero or under actual final height, so we rely on temporal coherency and
    // use the final height from last frame. Because this is only affecting _interaction_ with columns, it is not
    // really problematic (whereas the actual visual will be displayed in EndTable() and using the current frame height).
    // Actual columns highlight/render will be performed in EndTable() and not be affected.
    const float hit_half_width = TABLE_RESIZE_SEPARATOR_HALF_THICKNESS;
    const float hit_y1 = table->OuterRect.Min.y;
    const float hit_y2_body = ImMax(table->OuterRect.Max.y, hit_y1 + table->LastOuterHeight);
    const float hit_y2_head = hit_y1 + table->LastFirstRowHeight;

The reason is because the hit test button is built based on LastOuterHeight, so if the last ended table has less height than the current, the button will not cover the entire current height.

ocornut commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your great idea! However, I have found an issue with this, if those synced tables do not have same height, for instance, synced table 0 has 3 rows while synced table 1 has 6 rows, I cannot drag inner border on lower part of synced table 1 (the hit test on that part will fail). I have found the related code shown below:

Correct, there is a big bug there with synchronized tables. I will work on a fix and post when done (also see #3955 which reported the same bug separately). EDIT That bug was fixed see #3955

howprice commented 4 months ago

This would be a great feature and I'd like to upvote. I'm currently writing some code that displays HTML tables in ImGui and was hoping to find the eqivalent of <th colspan="3"> in the ImGui Demo window.

azmr commented 4 months ago

I found this issue again searching for a solution to basically the same problem! 😂

I went back to the code I used to solve this initially (which was specialized to that use-case), and after playing around with it for a bit I've ended up with something more general purpose. I thought I'd post it here in case it's useful for anyone else.

It pushes/pops a new ClipRect and temporarily modifies the WorkRect (which doesn't have a Push/Pop API) before restoring it. (I don't actually know if the WorkRect needs to be restored - it appears to work without doing so - but it seemed prudent to clear up after myself!) It's written for cimgui bindings, but should be easy enough to change for the normal API.

There may well be edge cases where this breaks, but so far it seems to work.

/// Make contents in a table cover the entire row rather than just a single column.
/// Always covers the entire row (not just the remaining columns);
/// can sort of coexist with per-column data, but may not be as intended.
/// Accounts for:
/// - scrollbar
/// - header row
/// - column reordering
/// - hidden columns
static inline float
    ImGuiTable *table = igGetCurrentTable();

    // Set to the first visible column, so that all contents starts from the leftmost point
    for (ImGuiTableColumnIdx *clmn_idx = table->DisplayOrderToIndex.Data,
         *end = table->DisplayOrderToIndex.DataEnd;
         clmn_idx < end; ++clmn_idx)
    {   if (igTableSetColumnIndex(*clmn_idx)) break;   }

    ImRect *work_rect    = &igGetCurrentWindow()->WorkRect;
    float   restore_x    = work_rect->Max.x;
    ImRect  bg_clip_rect = table->BgClipRect; // NOTE: this accounts for header column & scrollbar

    igPushClipRect(bg_clip_rect.Min, bg_clip_rect.Max, 0); // ensure that both our own drawing...
    work_rect->Max.x = bg_clip_rect.Max.x;                 // ...and Dear ImGui drawing will be visible across the entire row

    return restore_x;

static inline void
igTableFullRowEnd(float restore_x)
    igGetCurrentWindow()->WorkRect.Max.x = restore_x;


float restore_x = igTableFullRowBegin();
igSeparatorText("Look - the whole row!"); // whatever content you want here
azmr commented 4 months ago

@howprice I haven't tried it but I believe the same technique could be used to create arbitrary-length colspan=N, with a few modifications:

You could make this work with columns that can be reordered, but I'm not sure if it makes any sense to do so.

v-ein commented 3 months ago

@azmr thanks for that code snippet!

I've noticed that in a table with auto-fit enabled (ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit), the contents between igTableFullRowBegin and igTableFullRowEnd affects the width of the first column (i.e. this cell is used by auto-fit, too).

To prevent that, one needs to save/restore window->DC.CursorMaxPos.x in addition to saving WorkRect.Max.x (table uses CursorMaxPos.x to determine the contents width for the current column). However, in this case, if the full-width row is wider than the table itself (i.e. the sum of all column widths), it will be cut off.

@ocornut can you please take a look at that code snippet above and give some comments on whether it "feels right", taking into account how the table is rendered? All those channels, merging, layout, etc. - I haven't reached the zen of it yet. I'm curious to know whether such manipulations can degrade performance or lead to other unexpected side effects

P.S. One expected side effect is that vertical inner borders cross through that full-width row (as you mentioned before); I circumvent it by using another nested table with opaque background -- nasty but it works.

ocornut commented 3 months ago

I don't have bandwidth/energy to investigate this presently, sorry I have to juggle with things to take care of.

For full row it is a much simpler problem, and you can do what ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns does aka call TablePushBackgroundChannel()/TablePopBackgroundChannel().

One problem with "spanning multiple columns" is that the amount of possible columns pairs is large, so for efficiency we ought to maybe dynamically allocate draw channels for each unique pair that's been being.

For the bordering and other decorations, my expected approach will be to introduce a ImGuiTableRowData structure stored in ImGuiTableTempData where for each visible row we push row metadata, and then TableDrawBorders() called in EndTable() can use that data to do all the rendering. If we use that approach it would have the advantage that we can also steer things toward removing the row bg/cell bg and horizontal line rendering code from TableEndRow() and doing all the bg/decoration rendering as one step which is likely going to be advantageous in term of simplicity and maybe performances.

PS: The code is generally not easy to work with because of performance concerns. It's easy to get things done, but not as easy optimally.

ocornut commented 3 months ago

Note that for widgets which may lend themselves to be drawn over full row (and probably SeparatorText is one of those case) we can also add a specialized flag.

v-ein commented 3 months ago

One more thing I noticed is that the loop after the "Set to the first visible column" comment might lead to weird results when the table is being scrolled and leftmost columns get out of the visible area.

In this example, the rows at the top and at the bottom are regular rows, whereas the two rows in the middle contain full-width cells:


It would be better to use table->LeftMostEnabledColumn instead, like this:

ImGui::TableSetColumnIndex(table->LeftMostEnabledColumn >= 0? table->LeftMostEnabledColumn : 0);