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Ideas to manage and clip very large trees (e.g. 100k+ nodes) #3823

Open nem0 opened 3 years ago

nem0 commented 3 years ago

I made a simple tree view clipper for large trees, it can be found here https://gist.github.com/nem0/aa343f1c061db651569b5f68900ad63b

It has some downsides, mentioned in the gist.

ocornut commented 2 years ago

Another idea I recently stumbled upon is the following:

Some other thoughts:

lyd405121 commented 1 month ago

Large Tree View Optimization


The magic of ImGui::Dummy

The optimized code

 int nLeafNum = 30000;
 ImGui::Begin("Large Tree Optimaize");
 if (ImGui::TreeNodeEx("Large Tree"))
     //query window and node info
     ImVec2  vLastItem = ImGui::GetItemRectMax();
     ImVec2  vItemSize = ImGui::GetItemRectSize();
     ImVec2  vWindowPos = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
     ImVec2  vWindowSize = ImGui::GetWindowSize();

    //measure the number of node to draw
     int nLeafStart = max(int((vWindowPos.y - vLastItem.y) / vItemSize.y), 0);
     int nLeafCanDraw = min(int(vWindowSize.y / vItemSize.y), (int)nLeafNum - nLeafStart);

     //blank rect for those node beyond window
     if (nLeafStart > 0 && nLeafCanDraw > 0)
         ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(10.0f, float(nLeafStart) * vItemSize.y));

    //all the node we could see
     int nDrawLeaf = nLeafStart;
     while (nDrawLeaf < nLeafCanDraw+ nLeafStart && nDrawLeaf < nLeafNum)
         auto strLeafName = std::to_string(nDrawLeaf);
         bool bIsKey = nDrawLeaf % 10 == 0;
         ImGui::PushID(0); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, bIsKey ? ImVec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) : ImVec4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.8f));
         if (ImGui::TreeNodeEx(strLeafName.c_str(), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Leaf))
         ImGui::PopStyleColor(1); ImGui::PopID();

     //blank rect for those node exceed window bottom
     if (nDrawLeaf < nLeafNum)
         ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(10.0f, float(nLeafNum - nDrawLeaf) * vItemSize.y));


ocornut commented 1 month ago

Reposting some of the contents you posted to other thread (now deleted):

I am currently working a little on this problem and may post further ideas later.

ocornut commented 1 month ago

As part of some research some for multi-select and demos I pushed some improvements with would facilitate some form of clipping.

(1) 8bab3ea, ImGuiListClipper can more explicitly be used with an indeterminate items count, passing items_count=INT_MAX. This enables starting to use the clipper before knowing the items count. At the end of stepping you'll need to call clipper.SeekCursorForItem(items_count) to adjust to items. This is useful if you want to use clipping by fast-forwarding through a non-trivial structure such as a tree.

(2) df38704: i have added a SetNextItemStorageID(ImGuiID storage_id). In various experiment related to tree nodes I realized it was advantageous or necessary to query the open/closed state. The problem is that ID is typically tied to the ID Stack which works with iterating the data but not as easily if you want to randomly get/set the idea as a different point in time. SetNextItemStorageID() is a way to circumvent this issue.

(3) Attached is an experiment to implement clipper by "fast seeking forward" through a tree: imgui-a483c5d-(WIP) Demo Property Editor with seeking tree clipper (v1).patch imgui-1e3637c-(WIP) Demo Property Editor with seeking tree clipper (v2).patch

This is a zero-caching method. The general idea is:

// Use the clipper
// - with indeterminate count (items_count = INT_MAX, and we call SeekCursorForItem() at the end)
DrawCurrentIdx = 0;

int root_n = 0;
while (DrawClipper.Step())
    while (DrawCurrentIdx < DrawClipper.DisplayEnd && root_n < root_node->Childs.Size)
while (root_n < root_node->Childs.Size) // keep going to count
    void DrawTreeNode(ExampleTreeNode* node)
        // (..Filtering...)

        const bool is_visible = (DrawCurrentIdx >= DrawClipper.DisplayStart && DrawCurrentIdx < DrawClipper.DisplayEnd);

        if (is_visible)
            ImGui::SetNextItemStorageID((ImGuiID)node->UID); // use node->UID as storage id
            //... various decorations
            bool node_open = ImGui::TreeNodeEx(node->Name, tree_flags);
            //... various decorations
            if (node_open)
                for (ExampleTreeNode* child : node->Childs)
        else if (node->Childs.Size > 0)
            // Clipped
            if (ImGui::GetStateStorage()->GetInt(node->UID) != 0) // are we open?
                for (ExampleTreeNode* child : node->Childs)

The wins comes from the fact:

With this method, in the Property Editor tree with 18000 root items:

Again this is a zero-caching method. It's always more efficient if you can linearize your tree by creating an index, but then you need to have an event to notify of tree changes to rebuild the index. It also happens that to implement any form of non-trivial search you will want to have this index anyhow, at which point you can implement something that's much faster. This is why this is not committed in demo: I think it's nicer to bite the bullet and build the after-filter-index that a real/advanced application will use anyhow. I'll work on that.

(4) In ce3a8d7 I have pushed a demo to implement multi-select (with shift-selection, mouse drag selection) in a tree. It's quite non trivial because of the same reason: lack of an index. One interesting aspect of it is the helper function TreeGetNextNodeInVisibleOrder() with gets the next sibling or child or parent in linear order and accounting for open/close state. This also uses SetNextItemStorageID(). It also implement a feature where when closing a close, it automatically close and unselect its child nodes, and select parent node if any child node was previously selected.

TL;DR; both (3) and (4) will be superseded by the use of an index. Working on that soon.