Open WennerChen opened 1 month ago
Can you verify that this happens when loading the .ttf file from the file-system with AddFontFromFileTTF()
Hello, Can you verify that this happens when loading the .ttf file from the file-system with
Yes, same thing happens when I use the code shown as bellow:
io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF(FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAS, 18.0f, &icons_config, icons_ranges);
Everything is fine with MSVC2015, but the application crashes and shows assertion with MinGW
I get the same assert. It depends on icons_ranges value (maximun 0xf06d for size 16 without error) and also on font size (not for size 13 for example). Does not happen on a mingw-w64 64bits build but happens with 32 bits build Does not happen in 1.91.3 but happens in 1.91.4 (docking)
Could be related to ImTextureID changing from void* to ImU64?
My case is for impl_opengl3 (when calling ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_CreateDeviceObjects
Only happening in Release or RelWithDebInfo but not in Debug build for 32bit with mingw-w64
Please provide exact compilation and linking flags for dear imgui. Neither of you provided them.
It is a CMake build from
cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLUAJIT_BIN="c:/anima" -DSDL_PATH="C:\LuaGL\gitsources\BUILDS\SDL2\install" -DSDL3_PATH="C:\LuaGL\gitsources\BUILDS\SDL3\install" -DGLFW_PATH="C:\LuaGL\gitsources\BUILDS\GLFW\install" ../../anima/LuaJIT-imgui
Where the only relevant flag is -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
(or RelWithDebInfo) and compiler is mingw-w64 for 32bits
I will try to get a simpler reproducer with example_glfw_opengl3
My compilation is shown as below:
g++.exe -c imgui/imgui_demo.cpp -o imgui/imgui_demo.o -O2 -pipe
g++.exe -c imgui/imgui_tables.cpp -o imgui/imgui_tables.o -O2 -pipe
g++.exe -c imgui/imgui_impl_win32.cpp -o imgui/imgui_impl_win32.o -O2 -pipe
g++.exe -c imgui/imgui_widgets.cpp -o imgui/imgui_widgets.o -O2 -pipe
g++.exe -c imgui/imgui_impl_dx11.cpp -o imgui/imgui_impl_dx11.o -O2 -pipe
g++.exe -c imgui/imgui_draw.cpp -o imgui/imgui_draw.o -O2 -pipe
g++.exe -c main.cpp -o main.o -O2 -pipe
g++.exe -c imgui/imgui.cpp -o imgui/imgui.o -O2 -pipe
windres.exe -i imgui-fontawesome-test_private.rc --input-format=rc -o imgui-fontawesome-test_private.res -O coff
g++.exe imgui/imgui_demo.o imgui/imgui_tables.o imgui/imgui_impl_win32.o imgui/imgui_widgets.o imgui/imgui_impl_dx11.o imgui/imgui_draw.o main.o imgui/imgui.o imgui-fontawesome-test_private.res -o imgui-fontawesome-test.exe -s -ld3d11 -ld3dcompiler -ldxgi -lgdi32 -ldwmapi -static
My case is for 32bit with mingw-w64, and I have'd try this for 64bit. is a branch where we can go to example_glfw_opengl3/build
edit init_cmake.bat
to make sure mingw-w64 and cmake are on your PATH and then run:
init_cmake mingw32-make install example_glfw_opengl3.exe
mingw-w64 can be found on
i686-14.2.0-release-posix-dwarf-msvcrt-rt_v12-rev0.7z is for 32bits
Version/Branch of Dear ImGui:
Version 1.91.3 and version 1.90.9
imgui_impl_win32.cpp + imgui_impl_dx11.cpp
Compiler, OS:
Windows 10 + GCC-8.5.0 with MinGW-w64-8.0.3
Full config/build information:
g++.exe -c main.cpp -o main.o -O2 -pipe
windres.exe -i imgui-fontawesome-test_private.rc --input-format=rc -o imgui-fontawesome-test_private.res -O coff
g++.exe imgui/imgui_impl_win32.o imgui/imgui.o imgui/imgui_demo.o imgui/imgui_draw.o main.o imgui/imgui_tables.o imgui/imgui_impl_dx11.o imgui/imgui_widgets.o imgui-fontawesome-test_private.res -o imgui-fontawesome-test.exe -s -ld3d11 -ld3dcompiler -ldxgi -lgdi32 -ldwmapi -static
When I tried to compile caiocinel/imgui-fontawesome-example using GCC-8.5.0 with MinGW-w64-8.0.3 on Windows 10, the application exited with an assertion in file imgui/imstb_truetype.h, line 3160. It's fine with MSVC-2015.
Assertion failed: dy >= 0, file imgui/imstb_truetype.h, line 3160
Process exited after 2.554 seconds with return value 3 (562.5 ms cpu time, 62744 KB mem used).
Press ANY key to exit...
Minimal, Complete and Verifiable Example code: