Open ocramz opened 6 years ago
Linked SO comment on zippers for editing trees:
Oftentimes there's a tight correspondence between Monad structure and this kind of tree grafting. Here's an example
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Functor
instance Monad Tree where
return = Leaf
Leaf a >>= f = f a
Branch l r >>= f = Branch (l >>= f) (r >>= f)
Where (>>=) is doing nothing more than leaf extension (tree grafting) based on some function f :: a -> Tree a.
Then we can easily conduct the grafting you're looking for
graftRight :: Eq a => a -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a
graftRight a new t = t >>= go where
go a' | a' == a = Node a new
| otherwise = Leaf a'
But that's terrifically inefficient since it'll visit every Leaf in your tree searching for the specific one you'd like to replace. We can do better if we know more information. If the tree is somehow ordered and sorted then you can use fingertree or splaytree to conduct an efficient replacement. If we know the node we'd like to replace by its path alone we can use a Zipper.
data TreeDir = L | R
data ZTree a = Root
| Step TreeDir (Tree a) (ZTree a)
Which lets us step in and out of the root of a Tree
stepIn :: Tree a -> (Tree a, ZTree a)
stepIn t = (t, Root)
stepOut :: (Tree a, ZTree a) -> Maybe (Tree a)
stepOut (t, Root) = Just t
stepOut _ = Nothing
and once we're inside, walk in whatever direction we like
left :: (Tree a, ZTree a) -> Maybe (Tree a, ZTree a)
left (Leaf a, zip) = Nothing
left (Branch l r, zip) = Just (l, Step R r zip)
right :: (Tree a, ZTree a) -> Maybe (Tree a, ZTree a)
right (Leaf a, zip) = Nothing
right (Branch l r, zip) = Just (r, Step L l zip)
up :: (Tree a, ZTree a) -> Maybe (Tree a, ZTree a)
up (tree, Root) = Nothing
up (tree, Step L l zip) = Just (branch l tree, zip)
up (tree, Step R r zip) = Just (branch tree r, zip)
And edit leaves
graft :: (a -> Tree a) -> (Tree a, ZTree a) -> Maybe (Tree a, ZTree a)
graft f (Leaf a, zip) = Just (f a, zip)
graft _ _ = Nothing
Or perhaps all of the leaves below a certain location using our bind from above!
graftAll :: (a -> Tree a) -> (Tree a, ZTree a) -> (Tree a, ZTree a)
graftAll f (tree, zip) = (tree >>= f, zip)
And then we can walk down to any point in the tree before doing our graft
graftBelow :: (a -> Tree a) -> [TreeDir] -> Tree a -> Maybe (Tree a)
graftBelow f steps t = perform (stepIn t) >>= stepOut where
perform = foldr (>=>) Just (map stepOf steps) -- walk all the way down the path
>=> (Just . graftAll f) -- graft here
>=> foldr (>=>) Just (map (const up) steps) -- walk back up it
stepOf L = left
stepOf R = right
>>> let z = Branch (Branch (Leaf "hello") (Leaf "goodbye"))
(Branch (Branch (Leaf "burrito")
(Leaf "falcon"))
(Branch (Leaf "taco")
(Leaf "pigeon")))
>>> graftBelow Just [] z == z
>>> let dup a = Branch (Leaf a) (Leaf a)
>>> graftBelow dup [L, R] z
Just (Branch (Branch (Leaf "hello")
(Branch (Leaf "goodbye")
(Leaf "goodbye")))
(Branch (Branch (Leaf "burrito") (Leaf "falcon"))
(Branch (Leaf "taco") (Leaf "pigeon"))))
>>> graftBelow dup [L, R, R] z
Zipper for updating a tree :
Symbolic part of a sparse Cholesky factorization employs elimination tree: