ocsigen / ocsigen-start

Ocsigen-start: Higher-level library to develop Web and mobile applications with users, (pre)registration, notifications, etc.
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building ocsigen documentation and building doc from .eliom files #595

Open MdeLv opened 4 years ago

MdeLv commented 4 years ago

Following #594 and https://github.com/ocsigen/graffiti/issues/11, can you tell us:

1/ how to build eliom documentation from its source with eliomdoc? And for ocsigenserver, js_of_ocaml, tyxml as well?

2/ how to build the documentation of a program from its .eliom[i] and .ml[i] files? man eliomc references http://ocsigen.org/eliom/manual/workflow-compilation which is a broken link (btw, this needs to be fixed). However, this link is available: https://ocsigen.org/eliom/6.6/manual/workflow-compilation#h5o-5 .

I could preprocess a few .eliom files
$ eliompp -server foo.eliom

However, the following outputs nothing:

$ eliompp -client foo.eliom
# 1 "foo.eliom"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "foo.eliom"

while there are some let%client and let%shared definitions in foo.eliom . It's not normal because there are client definitions and because shared definitions are supposed to be duplicated as server and client declarations. How to fix that?

I could not use $ eliomdoc -client -d doc/client -html foobar.eliom Fatal error: exception Fl_package_base.No_such_package("js_of_ocaml-camlp4", "required by eliom.syntax.predef'") I tried the following commands with no success: $ eliomdoc -pp eliompp -client -d doc/client -html foobar.eliom $ eliomdoc -pp eliompp -package js_of_ocaml-camlp4 -client -d doc/client -html foobar.eliom $ eliomdoc -ppx eliompp -client -d doc/client -html foobar.eliom` ... Where is js_of_ocaml-camlp4 or remplacement available? (ppx?) How to do?


MdeLv commented 1 year ago

Is there still someone in the eliom team ??