Closed cedlemo closed 7 years ago
This PR fix :
Unbound module To_dom
make test.byte
module Ex_app = Eliom_registration.App (struct let application_name = "ex" let global_data_path = None end) let _ = Eliom_content.Html.D.( Ex_app.create ~path:(Eliom_service.Path [""]) ~meth:(Eliom_service.Get Eliom_parameter.unit) (fun () () -> Lwt.return (Eliom_tools.D.html ~title:"tutowidgets" ~css:[["css"; "ex.css"]] (body [h2 [pcdata "Welcome to Ocsigen!"]]))) ) [%%client let switch_visibility elt = let elt = Eliom_content.Html.To_dom.of_element elt in if Js.to_bool (elt##.classList##contains (Js.string "hidden")) then elt##.classList##remove (Js.string "hidden") else elt##.classList##add (Js.string "hidden") let mywidget s1 s2 = Eliom_content.Html.D.( let button = div ~a:[a_class ["button"]] [pcdata s1] in let content = div ~a:[a_class ["content"]] [pcdata s2] in Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt_js_events.clicks (Eliom_content.Html.To_dom.of_element button) (fun _ _ -> switch_visibility content; Lwt.return ())); div ~a:[a_class ["mywidget"]] [button; content] ) let _ = let%lwt _ = Lwt_js_events.onload () in Dom.appendChild (Dom_html.document##.body) (Eliom_content.Html.To_dom.of_element (mywidget "Click me" "Hello!")); Lwt.return () ]
I am not sure if it is good, but it was the only way for me to make it work.
This PR fix :
Unbound module To_dom
error with the commandmake test.byte
.I am not sure if it is good, but it was the only way for me to make it work.