ocsmit / zed-r

R language support for Zed editor
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LSP support and hover not working on openSUSE Tumbleweed linux #7

Closed FvD closed 1 month ago

FvD commented 1 month ago

The languageserver does not start on opensuse Linux: there is no autocomplete, and no hover info (both do work with the inbuilt Python LSP).

The R languageserver library(languageserver) is installed for the user, and for all users, and starts without errors when started manually in an R session.

When working with an R file, after installing zed-r the following will appear in the Zed.log.

2024-08-03T16:45:05.742464926-06:00 [ERROR] server container removal

Caused by:
    No such file or directory (os error 2)
2024-08-03T16:45:05.742504035-06:00 [INFO] starting language server "r_language_server", path: "/home/fvd/Desktop/test-r-project", id: 2
2024-08-03T16:45:05.765531802-06:00 [INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/usr/bin/R", working directory: "/home/fvd/Desktop/test-r-project", args: ["--slave", "-e", "languageserver::run()"]
2024-08-03T16:45:06.645954691-06:00 [ERROR] invalid LSP message header "\u{c}Content-Length: 871\r\n\r\n"
2024-08-03T16:45:06.646022258-06:00 [ERROR] failed to start language server "r_language_server": oneshot canceled
2024-08-03T16:45:06.64604856-06:00 [ERROR] server stderr: Some("")
2024-08-03T16:45:06.646074588-06:00 [INFO] retrying installation of language server "r_language_server" in 1s
2024-08-03T16:45:06.646101245-06:00 [ERROR] server shut down
2024-08-03T16:45:07.646137143-06:00 [INFO] About to spawn test binary
2024-08-03T16:45:07.646197478-06:00 [WARN] test binary failed to launch
2024-08-03T16:45:07.646231712-06:00 [WARN] test binary check failed
2024-08-03T16:45:07.646265687-06:00 [INFO] beginning to reinstall server
2024-08-03T16:45:07.646307036-06:00 [INFO] deleting server container
2024-08-03T16:45:07.64645322-06:00 [ERROR] server container removal

After trying to fix this in the settings, I reinstalled Zed to start again from scratch, with a clean settings json. The error is the same remainse the same.

Can you give me pointers how to debug this any further?

ocsmit commented 1 month ago

At first glance it looks like it is connecting to languageserver because it is able to recieve messages from it, but I think it might be decoding them into utf-8 incorrectly. The content-length header ("\u{c}Content-Length: 871\r\n\r\n") appears to have a unicode formatting character appended to the front, which is odd.

The zed source (crates/lsp/src/input_handler.rs#L88) splits the message header by newlines and then looks for the header which starts with the "Content-Length: ". The first couple characters being inserted at the front are then causing it to error out since the pattern matching is unsuccesful.

I would look to see what the locale of your R installation is in (sessionInfo()) and the locale of your machine as well. Might give some clues? I could also be very wrong!

FvD commented 1 month ago

That's interesting, I had not spotted \u{c}. It does not appear to be my R session locale - and I keep my machines typically in en_US, even though I mostly work in Spanish. I have no clue where this character could come from.

> sessionInfo()
R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu
Running under: openSUSE Tumbleweed

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib64/R/lib/libRblas.so
LAPACK: /usr/lib64/R/lib/libRlapack.so;  LAPACK version 3.12.0

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

time zone: America/Costa_Rica
tzcode source: system (glibc)

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] shiny_1.9.1     nvimcom_0.9-165

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] compiler_4.4.1    magrittr_2.0.3    fastmap_1.2.0     R6_2.5.1
 [5] cli_3.6.3         promises_1.3.0    later_1.3.2       htmltools_0.5.8.1
 [9] tools_4.4.1       Rcpp_1.0.13       digest_0.6.36     xtable_1.8-4
[13] httpuv_1.6.15     lifecycle_1.0.4   mime_0.12         rlang_1.1.4
FvD commented 1 month ago

This was caused by my .Rprofile! I had a custom startup message and this was causing issues.


ocsmit commented 1 month ago

Ah good to know! Glad you were able to figure it out. I'll add a note to the readme stating that custom startup messages may cause issues!