octa22 / org.openhab.binding.somfytahoma

Somfy Tahoma binding for OpenHAB v1.x
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New unknown device #4

Closed gintonic26 closed 4 years ago

gintonic26 commented 5 years ago

`2018-09-23 20:56:13.668 [INFO ] [very.SomfyTahomaItemDiscoveryService] - Supported commands: { }

2018-09-23 20:56:13.672 [WARN ] [very.SomfyTahomaItemDiscoveryService] - Device states: {name='rtds:ControllerOriginatorState', type=1, value=2.0} {name='rtds:ControllerSensingState', type=3, value=KO} {name='rtds:ControllerBatteryState', type=3, value=OK} {name='rtds:ControllerOrderTypeState', type=3, value=off}`

It is a remote control to arm, partial arm and disarm and complete disarm of the system. Because it came in the box with my Tahoma and the log tells me to post this here I did this. Till now I have no plans to use the remote so there is no time pressure.

octa22 commented 5 years ago

Hi, could you please provide me with the name of the device? There is missing the beginning of the debug info (a line starting with "Detected a new unsupported device:") Thanks Ondrej