octa22 / org.openhab.binding.somfytahoma

Somfy Tahoma binding for OpenHAB v1.x
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New unsupported device: Camera #7

Open Stylewarz3 opened 4 years ago

Stylewarz3 commented 4 years ago

2019-11-16 11:42:24.697 [INFO ] [very.SomfyTahomaItemDiscoveryService] - Detected a new unsupported device: Camera 2019-11-16 11:42:24.699 [INFO ] [very.SomfyTahomaItemDiscoveryService] - If you want to add the support, please create a new issue and attach the information below 2019-11-16 11:42:24.702 [INFO ] [very.SomfyTahomaItemDiscoveryService] - Supported commands: { close (params: 0); getName (params: 0); open (params: 0); refreshDeviceStatus (params: 0); setName (params: 1); refreshShutterStatus (params: 0); } 2019-11-16 11:42:24.705 [INFO ] [very.SomfyTahomaItemDiscoveryService] - Device states: {name='core:CloudDeviceStatusState', type=3, value=online} {name='myfox:ShutterStatusState', type=3, value=opened}

octa22 commented 4 years ago

Hi, can you create the issue in the openhab/openhab2 project, please? I'll add the support, thanks. Ondrej