octachrome / treason

A clone of the card game Coup written in Node.js
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Teams should be assigned randomly. #52

Open GrahamCorcoran opened 3 years ago

GrahamCorcoran commented 3 years ago

Currently if you play multiple games of coup reformation with the same people, the teams will always be identical. Ideally, the teams would be randomized between games.

octachrome commented 3 years ago

Good point. It's nice for the two teams to start off alternating turns, so instead of randomising the team memberships I would shuffle the player order before each new game starts, and then assign teams alternately as usual.

Makar8000 commented 3 years ago

I would shuffle the player order before each new game starts, and then assign teams alternately as usual.

This is a good idea for non-team games as well, so that the turn order isn't always the same. As in, one player is always immediately after the same player