octalmage / mDesktop

mDesktop is a lightweight application that allows the user to utilize multiple virtual desktops.
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Window routinely migrates itself to Desktop 1 (specific conflicting application) #16

Open MPagel opened 10 years ago

MPagel commented 10 years ago

After hibernate/suspend/switchUser on the local primary machine, an active session from Windows Remote Desktop (on Desktop 2 Fullscreen mode; no mDesktop installed remotely) also gets booted to the login screen of the remote computer, which displays full screen on Desktop 1 of the local machine (regardless of which desktop I was on when I did Switch User).

This window is also present on Desktop 2 (but not 3 or 4), so basically just clones itself into the stack of Desktop 1.

I am running as a non-admin user (with elevated rights available under another user name) on Windows 8.1x64 Intel with mostly a windows classic style display. Maybe it's just that Windows Remote Desktop (also run as a non-elevated user) gets "unhibernated" before mDesktop?

Version of mDesktop: exe built on local machine from ahk, designed for fixing bug #14

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MPagel commented 7 years ago

a followup/augmentation to this one. My desktops 1 and 2 are named, whereas my 3 and 4 are not. Recently, Remote Desktop has been placing all of its non-fullscreen windows on both of the first two desktops, regardless of which one I start it on. I've noticed that Remote Desktop does not play well with autohotkey.

Specifically, in another app I've been working on in ahk, sending WinMaximize ahk_id %d% to the Remote Desktop window (on the Local machine) sets the size of the maximized window properly, but does not set the position properly. Instead, it keeps the rightmost edge from the "normal" window. If I'm maximizing on the right (of 2) monitors, the final window border spills over onto the left monitor, but doesn't display any contents of the window on that left monitor. Interestingly, the actual maximize button works as expected, it's just the ahk WinMaximize that is screwed up, and only for Remote Desktop (every other application window seems to work fine). See http://superuser.com/a/1124473/319748 for the app code and work around for that issue.

ahk version v1.1.22.07 mdesktop version as listed 1.6 beta 4. (I see you're up to version 1.7.2, so I'll update that shortly)