octalmage / mDesktop

mDesktop is a lightweight application that allows the user to utilize multiple virtual desktops.
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Send window to next desktop #4

Open octalmage opened 10 years ago

octalmage commented 10 years ago

It would be nice to have a SendActiveToNextDesktop feature that would perform a similar function to SwitchToNextDesktop, only it would carry the active window with it. I use this a lot in Ubuntu when a new window opens up, and I feel like it needs a new desktop. I prefer Ctrl+Alt+ to the Alt+ for switching desktops, and it would be nice to have an equivalent "Send" function using the arrows (something like Ctrl+Alt+Shift+)

It might look something like this:


    if (curDesktop < numDesktops)
        SendActiveToDesktop(curDesktop + 1)
        SwitchToDesktop(curDesktop + 1)

I tested it out, and it doesn't seem to break any of the existing features. Something to consider for the next rev. I understand that this would incur some more menu overhead if you want it to be customizable.

Source: https://code.google.com/p/mdesktop/issues/detail?id=23

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octalmage commented 10 years ago

You can do this by moving a window when you switch another desktop, the window will come with you. I personally prefer this but if there is enough interest I'll look into adding this. Or if someone wants to work on this I'll accept the pull request!