Open newguywhoislearning opened 8 years ago
Was this what you were getting at?
/datum/reagent/consumable/droppings // comments with double slashes.
name = "Leptospirosis"
id = "leptospirosis"
description = "Euphemism for rat excrement."
color = "#FF00FF" // rgb: 255, 0, 255
if(istype(M, /mob/living/carbon/human) && M.job in list("Assistant"))
M.heal_organ_damage(1,1, 0)
. = 1
name = "rat burger"
desc = "Pretty much what you'd expect...Heals assistants"
icon_state = "ratburger"
list_reagents = list("nutriment" = 1, "vitamin" = 1, "leptospirosis")
That was it Octareen, thanks. I saw some backlash in the thread about this feature though, so I'm not sure anymore if it's a good idea to implement it anyways. So // for comments right?Thanks for that, I didn't know. Anyways uh, I'm pretty sure I clicked "create a pull request" on this page, I wonder why the request itself was created on Zaers fork. Oh and, uh, totally unrelated, but is there any way to make an if statement check if the mob is on fire?
I believe there's a balance point where this kind of stuff could be fun.
Github will suggest a source and target branch, but you can change the specifics with pull-down menus. You have to change the files before making your pull request
The fire_stacks
var says how flammable or on fire someone is.
There's more to it than just fire stacks though.
The fire_stacks var says how flammable or on fire someone is.
With that in mind, it would be possible to make it so if someone who's on fire touches someone, this makes the other person ignite too right?
Yeah, I think /tg/, upstream of us, has that.
Oh that's nice, I'll snoop around their code later today to see if I can find it. Thanks again.
What gives?I could only make one to the old Zaers branch Anyways