octatone / Gif-Delayer

A chrome extension that hide gifs until they are fully loaded, for optimal gif enjoyment.
MIT License
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Linkedin stopped working with Gif Delayer installed #17

Open egorvinogradov opened 7 years ago

egorvinogradov commented 7 years ago

The new Linkedin design stopped working with Gif Delayer installed. The only thing I see is a splash screen with endless loading indicator. There are no error messages in the console. Gif Delayer is the only extension that impacts Linkedin. Once it's turned off, Linkedin loads fine.


zachhardesty7 commented 7 years ago

I've also noticed this issue and similar issues that break entire sites caused by Gif Delayer. While it may be too much to ask to have him keep up with every single case of a .gif being used, I've submitted a pull request that adds a whitelist, allowing us to simply disable the plugin on non-functioning sites!

Edit: pull request #18