octatone / reddit.tv

HTML5 and AJAX display of videos from reddit.com to replace reddit.tv. Includes any video embed type from reddit. Only backend is reddit.com's API, everything else is clientside.
MIT License
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Mobile Friendly Interface #13

Open monikamhz opened 13 years ago

monikamhz commented 13 years ago

The current interface is fairly difficult to use on a mobile device. (where i usually watch reddit.tv)

Would it be possible for a more mobile friendly version of the site?

octatone commented 13 years ago


What device are you using when you browse reddit.tv, what screen resoltion is your device? Reddit.tv is flash and javascript heavy so slow devices aren't good for exploring it.

monikamhz commented 13 years ago

Well the SPEED of the interface isn't the problem. It's accessibility.

Personally, I'm working with an android 4" screen @ 480x800. I usually use Dolphin HD.

I have no problem watching the videos themselves mostly, it's the act of moving from video to video and selecting categories that gets cumbersome.