octatone / reddit.tv

HTML5 and AJAX display of videos from reddit.com to replace reddit.tv. Includes any video embed type from reddit. Only backend is reddit.com's API, everything else is clientside.
MIT License
64 stars 72 forks source link

...it would be nice(tm) if soundcloud links were also supported #25

Closed ramses0 closed 12 years ago

ramses0 commented 12 years ago

http://reddit.tv/#/r/classicalguitar/ ... we've got quite a few people who post links to soundcloud of themselves playing instead of videos. I don't know if that necessarily matches the core competency of reddit.tv but it seems like it would make sense for our specific use case. Just don't know if you'd considered it before or not.


octatone commented 12 years ago

Reddit.tv is specifically for watching videos.