octatone / reddit.tv

HTML5 and AJAX display of videos from reddit.com to replace reddit.tv. Includes any video embed type from reddit. Only backend is reddit.com's API, everything else is clientside.
MIT License
64 stars 72 forks source link

Updated to include New, Rising and Controversial filters #36

Open AdamBissonnette opened 11 years ago

AdamBissonnette commented 11 years ago

Fun stuff (my first contribution on GitHub)!

In some cases I've wanted to look at the new items in a feed but it didn't seem like this was available. It was really easy to add by adding the values to the sorting select and updating the js to always apply the sorting to the uri since /hot/ works fine for the standard feeds. It seems to work well except sometimes rising glitches out for some reason - meh.

Also added some minor css tweaks and batman'd the limit to pull from the Globals in I feel like setting it to 1000 or something crazy the next time I'm working a marathon :)