octgn / OCTGN

Online Card and Tabletop Gaming Network
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Add tags to allow bold, underline, italicize, and color portions of text #1529

Open brine opened 8 years ago

brine commented 8 years ago

expanding on #112, adding in specific tags to render segments of text as bold, underlined, italicized, or change the base color of the font. The main example would be in the deck editor grid, where certain words in a card's rules text could be tagged as bold and green. OCTGN would need to look for specific tags in the set XML data, and be able to parse them out so the tags themselves dont interfere with searches.

It should for sure render in the deck editor, and I think it would make sense to allow python to use the tags as well for notify/whisper messages to the chat log. The proxy generator should probably use it too?

brine commented 6 years ago