octgn / OCTGN

Online Card and Tabletop Gaming Network
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Removing Unknown games from Custom games tab. #715

Closed totalgit closed 11 years ago

totalgit commented 11 years ago

Dont need to see games im not interested in!

kellyelton commented 11 years ago

Changed ur mind then?

totalgit commented 11 years ago

oh, thought i put it in the wrong place, no idea how this works.

kellyelton commented 11 years ago

lol it's fine.

brine commented 11 years ago

its like a scavenger hunt -- download more games so you can figure out what they are! GOTTA DOWNLOAD 'EM ALL!

BenMatteson commented 11 years ago

and who's not interested in a scavenger hunt!

Gadget2020 commented 11 years ago

Why does it say {Unknown game} anyway? - can't it say what game it is and highlight if you've got it installed or not? Or better yet highlight/colour/icon all the games being hosted that you /do/ have installed

I think that might encourage the playing of other games and give an option to look up the other games people are playing while waiting for someone to host/join one of yours.

brine commented 11 years ago

because OCTGN doesnt store the names of the games being hosted on its server

Gadget2020 commented 11 years ago

It must have some information relevant to the name of game, otherwise how does the client know you /have/ that game installed? Can this one bit of information be a config file client side; almost a 'dummy' install with only the name definition to look up?

db0 commented 11 years ago

OCTGN can already see the GUIDs of all games available in installed Feeds. I think a possible solution would be to match the game names via the GUIDs visible in the added feeds

brine commented 11 years ago

ok, here's how it works.

Games hosted on the server are differentiated by the game's GUID (and version number, player-inputted description of the hosted game, etc). Nothing else specifically about the game def gets stored on the server.

When your local OCTGN fetches the hosted games list, it gets the list of game GUIDs. It then looks at your own local database to try and match the GUID with something you have installed.

If it finds one, it translates the GUID to the name of the game you have installed. If it doesn't, it just shows {Unknown Game} because it doesnt know what that game's name is.

The idea of showing the game's GUID instead of {unknown game} was briefly discussed in the past. The concern was that showing the GUID to players would be very confusing and pointless as the GUID by itself means nothing. So in the end, it could end up being more confusing than by just leaving it as unknown.

Gadget2020 commented 11 years ago

"When your local OCTGN fetches the hosted games list, it gets the list of game GUIDs. It then looks at your own local database to try and match the GUID with something you have installed."

Can the local database be populated with /just/ the names? (And an "installed" boolean field?) then the games could be bold if installed and faded if not (or some other distinguishing mark). The server keeps the GUIDs and all info stored as is; there is just a tiny bit more for the client side to do. Isn't there already a list from the "games manager"? or does that get populated on every load? Can't that list be used to populate the names into the local database?

I just think that if you see someone you've played one game with playing something else or see lots of people playing something, you are more likely to install it and grow the game's popularity.

db0 commented 11 years ago

The idea of showing the game's GUID instead of {unknown game} was briefly discussed in the past.

I wasn't talking about showing the GUID. I was talking that you use the exact same procedure to match game names that you explained, but extend it so that OCTGN matches names to GUIDs even for games that are in the feed but not installed