octo-models / octo

Octo is a transformer-based robot policy trained on a diverse mix of 800k robot trajectories.
MIT License
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05_dataloading.ipynb failed due to `DatasetNotFoundError: Dataset bridge_dataset not found.` #110

Open anselmwang opened 2 weeks ago

anselmwang commented 2 weeks ago

I am running the cell with make_interleaved_dataset call.

The full exception message is

DatasetNotFoundError: Dataset bridge_dataset not found.
Available datasets:
    - abstract_reasoning
    - accentdb
    - aeslc
    - aflw2k3d
    - ag_news_subset
    - ai2_arc
    - ai2_arc_with_ir
    - amazon_us_reviews
    - anli
    - answer_equivalence
    - arc
    - asqa
    - asset
    - assin2
    - bair_robot_pushing_small
    - bccd
    - beans
    - bee_dataset
    - beir
    - big_patent
    - bigearthnet
    - billsum
    - binarized_mnist
    - binary_alpha_digits
    - ble_wind_field
    - blimp
    - booksum
    - bool_q
    - bucc
    - c4
    - c4_wsrs
    - caltech101
    - caltech_birds2010
    - caltech_birds2011
    - cardiotox
    - cars196
    - cassava
    - cats_vs_dogs
    - celeb_a
    - celeb_a_hq
    - cfq
    - cherry_blossoms
    - chexpert
    - cifar10
    - cifar100
    - cifar100_n
    - cifar10_1
    - cifar10_corrupted
    - cifar10_n
    - citrus_leaves
    - cityscapes
    - civil_comments
    - clevr
    - clic
    - clinc_oos
    - cmaterdb
    - cnn_dailymail
    - coco
    - coco_captions
    - coil100
    - colorectal_histology
    - colorectal_histology_large
    - common_voice
    - conll2002
    - conll2003
    - controlled_noisy_web_labels
    - coqa
    - cos_e
    - cosmos_qa
    - covid19
    - covid19sum
    - crema_d
    - criteo
    - cs_restaurants
    - curated_breast_imaging_ddsm
    - cycle_gan
    - d4rl_adroit_door
    - d4rl_adroit_hammer
    - d4rl_adroit_pen
    - d4rl_adroit_relocate
    - d4rl_antmaze
    - d4rl_mujoco_ant
    - d4rl_mujoco_halfcheetah
    - d4rl_mujoco_hopper
    - d4rl_mujoco_walker2d
    - dart
    - davis
    - deep1b
    - deep_weeds
    - definite_pronoun_resolution
    - dementiabank
    - diabetic_retinopathy_detection
    - diamonds
    - div2k
    - dmlab
    - doc_nli
    - dolphin_number_word
    - domainnet
    - downsampled_imagenet
    - drop
    - dsprites
    - dtd
    - duke_ultrasound
    - e2e_cleaned
    - efron_morris75
    - emnist
    - eraser_multi_rc
    - esnli
    - eurosat
    - fashion_mnist
    - flic
    - flores
    - food101
    - forest_fires
    - fuss
    - gap
    - geirhos_conflict_stimuli
    - gem
    - genomics_ood
    - german_credit_numeric
    - gigaword
    - glove100_angular
    - glue
    - goemotions
    - gov_report
    - gpt3
    - gref
    - groove
    - grounded_scan
    - gsm8k
    - gtzan
    - gtzan_music_speech
    - hellaswag
    - higgs
    - hillstrom
    - horses_or_humans
    - howell
    - i_naturalist2017
    - i_naturalist2018
    - i_naturalist2021
    - imagenet2012
    - imagenet2012_corrupted
    - imagenet2012_fewshot
    - imagenet2012_multilabel
    - imagenet2012_real
    - imagenet2012_subset
    - imagenet_a
    - imagenet_lt
    - imagenet_pi
    - imagenet_r
    - imagenet_resized
    - imagenet_sketch
    - imagenet_v2
    - imagenette
    - imagewang
    - imdb_reviews
    - irc_disentanglement
    - iris
    - istella
    - kddcup99
    - kitti
    - kmnist
    - laion400m
    - lambada
    - lfw
    - librispeech
    - librispeech_lm
    - libritts
    - ljspeech
    - lm1b
    - locomotion
    - lost_and_found
    - lsun
    - lvis
    - malaria
    - math_dataset
    - math_qa
    - mctaco
    - media_sum
    - mlqa
    - mnist
    - mnist_corrupted
    - movie_lens
    - movie_rationales
    - movielens
    - moving_mnist
    - mrqa
    - mslr_web
    - mt_opt
    - mtnt
    - multi_news
    - multi_nli
    - multi_nli_mismatch
    - natural_instructions
    - natural_questions
    - natural_questions_open
    - newsroom
    - nsynth
    - nyu_depth_v2
    - ogbg_molpcba
    - omniglot
    - open_images_challenge2019_detection
    - open_images_v4
    - openbookqa
    - opinion_abstracts
    - opinosis
    - opus
    - oxford_flowers102
    - oxford_iiit_pet
    - para_crawl
    - pass
    - patch_camelyon
    - paws_wiki
    - paws_x_wiki
    - penguins
    - pet_finder
    - pg19
    - piqa
    - places365_small
    - placesfull
    - plant_leaves
    - plant_village
    - plantae_k
    - protein_net
    - q_re_cc
    - qa4mre
    - qasc
    - quac
    - quality
    - quickdraw_bitmap
    - race
    - radon
    - reddit
    - reddit_disentanglement
    - reddit_tifu
    - ref_coco
    - resisc45
    - rlu_atari
    - rlu_atari_checkpoints
    - rlu_atari_checkpoints_ordered
    - rlu_control_suite
    - rlu_dmlab_explore_object_rewards_few
    - rlu_dmlab_explore_object_rewards_many
    - rlu_dmlab_rooms_select_nonmatching_object
    - rlu_dmlab_rooms_watermaze
    - rlu_dmlab_seekavoid_arena01
    - rlu_locomotion
    - rlu_rwrl
    - robomimic_mg
    - robomimic_mh
    - robomimic_ph
    - robonet
    - robosuite_panda_pick_place_can
    - rock_paper_scissors
    - rock_you
    - s3o4d
    - salient_span_wikipedia
    - samsum
    - savee
    - scan
    - scene_parse150
    - schema_guided_dialogue
    - sci_tail
    - scicite
    - scientific_papers
    - scrolls
    - sentiment140
    - shapes3d
    - sift1m
    - simpte
    - siscore
    - smallnorb
    - smartwatch_gestures
    - snli
    - so2sat
    - speech_commands
    - spoken_digit
    - squad
    - squad_question_generation
    - stanford_dogs
    - stanford_online_products
    - star_cfq
    - starcraft_video
    - stl10
    - story_cloze
    - summscreen
    - sun397
    - super_glue
    - svhn_cropped
    - symmetric_solids
    - tao
    - tatoeba
    - ted_hrlr_translate
    - ted_multi_translate
    - tedlium
    - tf_flowers
    - the300w_lp
    - tiny_shakespeare
    - titanic
    - trec
    - trivia_qa
    - tydi_qa
    - uc_merced
    - ucf101
    - unified_qa
    - universal_dependencies
    - unnatural_instructions
    - user_libri_audio
    - user_libri_text
    - vctk
    - visual_domain_decathlon
    - voc
    - voxceleb
    - voxforge
    - waymo_open_dataset
    - web_graph
    - web_nlg
    - web_questions
    - webvid
    - wider_face
    - wiki40b
    - wiki_auto
    - wiki_bio
    - wiki_dialog
    - wiki_table_questions
    - wiki_table_text
    - wikiann
    - wikihow
    - wikipedia
    - wikipedia_toxicity_subtypes
    - wine_quality
    - winogrande
    - wit
    - wit_kaggle
    - wmt13_translate
    - wmt14_translate
    - wmt15_translate
    - wmt16_translate
    - wmt17_translate
    - wmt18_translate
    - wmt19_translate
    - wmt_t2t_translate
    - wmt_translate
    - wordnet
    - wsc273
    - xnli
    - xquad
    - xsum
    - xtreme_pawsx
    - xtreme_pos
    - xtreme_s
    - xtreme_xnli
    - yahoo_ltrc
    - yelp_polarity_reviews
    - yes_no
    - youtube_vis

Check that:
    - if dataset was added recently, it may only be available
      in `tfds-nightly`
    - the dataset name is spelled correctly
    - dataset class defines all base class abstract methods
    - the module defining the dataset class is imported

Did you mean: bridge_dataset -> bee_dataset ?

The builder directory gs://gresearch/robotics/bridge_dataset doesn't contain any versions.
No builder could be found in the directory: gs://gresearch/robotics for the builder: bridge_dataset.
No registered data_dirs were found in:
    - gs://gresearch/robotics
BUAAZhangHaonan commented 2 weeks ago

The directory of bridge_dataset should be gs://gresearch/robotics/bridge based on 01_inference_pretrained.ipynb, or you can try to load it from tests/debug_dataset.