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Tailor Taglist Cannot Be Filtered In List View #5770

Closed sqwk closed 6 months ago

sqwk commented 6 months ago

I am using tailor to create a taglist field. This field cannot be filtered in the backend list view and displays the error We're sorry, but something went wrong and the page cannot be displayed. when clicking the filter in question. The error log gives a little more info and says Error: Call to a member function newQuery() on null in /.../modules/backend/filterwidgets/Group.php:196.

This is the field blueprint:

type: structure

        label: Foo
        type: taglist
        customTags: false
        useKey: true
            tag1: Tag 1
            tag2: Tag 2
            tag3: Tag 3
            - required
        tab: Main
            label: Foo
            invisible: true
            label: Foo

Using type:dropdown instead of type:taglist works as expected.

daftspunk commented 6 months ago

Hi @sqwk

The next patch will include a fix for this (v3.5.14). After updating, set the mode to array so it can be searched with the group filter. For example:

    label: Foo
    type: taglist
    mode: array


sqwk commented 5 months ago

I installed the update. Renderering the taglist works fine, applying a filter does not:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[22032]: <<Unknown error>>: 3141 Invalid JSON text in argument 1 to function json_contains: "Invalid value." at position 0. in /is/htdocs/wp10607758_UGYQNSM3W9/www/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:419

The whole field definition is now:

        label: Foo?
        type: taglist
        mode: array
        customTags: false
        useKey: true
            tag1: Tag 1
            tag2: Tag 2
            tag3: Tag 3
            - required
        tab: Main
            label: Foo
            invisible: true
            label: Foo
        span: row
        spanClass: col-12 col-md-4
daftspunk commented 5 months ago

Hey @sqwk

The error suggests the database still contains a "string" value, so it can't be queried as JSON. We may need to lock mode to array to prevent this scenario. In your case, you'll need to update every record after making this change to ensure it is set to a valid JSON value for SQL to query.

sqwk commented 5 months ago

So instead of tag1,tag2 it should be be ['tag1','tag2']?