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Dependency Dashboard #68

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

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Detected dependencies

.gitpod.Dockerfile - `gitpod/workspace-full-vnc sha256:4d58786b8c32e18e962eca11e57191f6dc1d8c12bb0ac66cfcda2cb61da0c5ab`
.github/workflows/ci.yml - `actions/checkout v4.1.6@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29` - `pnpm/action-setup v2` - `actions/setup-node v4.0.2@60edb5dd545a775178f52524783378180af0d1f8` - `codecov/codecov-action v3@ab904c41d6ece82784817410c45d8b8c02684457`
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package.json - `@chakra-ui/next-js 2.2.0` - `@chakra-ui/react 2.8.2` - `@emotion/react 11.11.4` - `@emotion/styled 11.11.5` - `@octokit/auth-callback 4.0.0` - `@octokit/rest 20.1.1` - `@sentry/nextjs 7.116.0` - `@tanstack/react-query 5.40.0` - `@tanstack/react-query-devtools 5.40.0` - `@vercel/analytics 1.3.1` - `@vercel/speed-insights 1.0.11` - `downshift 9.0.6` - `framer-motion 11.2.9` - `js-cookie 3.0.5` - `lodash-es 4.17.21` - `next 14.2.3` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `react-icons 5.2.1` - `rehype-highlight 7.0.0` - `rehype-react 8.0.0` - `remark-emoji 5.0.0` - `remark-gfm 4.0.0` - `remark-github 12.0.0` - `remark-parse 11.0.0` - `remark-rehype 11.1.0` - `remark-stringify 11.0.0` - `semver 7.6.2` - `unified 11.0.4` - `@chakra-ui/cli 2.4.1` - `@chakra-ui/styled-system 2.9.2` - `@chakra-ui/theme-tools 2.1.2` - `@chakra-ui/utils 2.0.14` - `@jest/globals 29.7.0` - `@mswjs/http-middleware 0.10.1` - `@octokit/openapi-types 22.2.0` - `@tanstack/eslint-plugin-query 5.35.6` - `@testing-library/cypress 10.0.1` - `@testing-library/react 16.0.0` - `@types/cors 2.8.17` - `@types/express 4.17.21` - `@types/happo-cypress 4.1.4` - `@types/js-cookie 3.0.6` - `@types/lodash-es 4.17.12` - `@types/mdast 4.0.4` - `@types/node 20.14.2` - `@types/react 18.3.3` - `@types/react-dom 18.3.0` - `@types/semver 7.5.8` - `@types/unist 3.0.2` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 7.2.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 7.2.0` - `cors 2.8.5` - `cypress 13.11.0` - `eslint 8.57.0` - `eslint-config-next 14.2.3` - `eslint-config-prettier 9.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-cypress 3.3.0` - `eslint-plugin-jest 28.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-jest-formatting 3.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-unicorn 53.0.0` - `express 4.19.2` - `happo-cypress 4.2.0` - `happo-e2e 2.6.0` - `happo.io 9.1.6` - `husky 9.0.11` - `is-ci 3.0.1` - `jest 29.7.0` - `jest-environment-jsdom 29.7.0` - `lint-staged 15.2.5` - `msw 2.2.2` - `prettier 3.3.2` - `start-server-and-test 2.0.4` - `ts-jest 29.1.4` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `tsx 4.14.1` - `type-fest 4.18.3` - `typescript 5.4.5` - `pnpm ^8.9.0` - `pnpm 8.9.2` - `headers-polyfill 3.3.0`
.nvmrc - `node 20`

HonkingGoose commented 3 years ago

@HonkingGoose Quick question: what should I do with the dashboard PR?

I think you meant dashboard issue not PR. 😉

@Belco90 I always "pin" my dashboard issue on top of the issue list on my repository. That way I can always find the Renovate dashboard quickly.

Read the GitHub docs, pinning an issue to your repository to learn how to do this.