octokit / request.js

Send parameterized requests to GitHub’s APIs with sensible defaults in browsers and Node
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request() method not returning any data when getting user repositories #494

Closed colias-palaeno closed 2 years ago

colias-palaeno commented 2 years ago


I'm having an issue with the request() method not returning any data from its promise - it simply returns [object Promise] { ... }, with no other information.

On the README page, it states that if the request promise is resolved, an object with 4 keys will be returned, and if the request promise is rejected, an object with 3 keys will be returned - as you can see, I'm getting neither of these.

Please find my code below:

import { Octokit } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@octokit/core";

const octokit = new Octokit({
  auth: 'authkey'

const req = octokit.request('GET /users/colias-palaeno/repos', {
  username: 'colias-palaeno',
  sort: 'created'

async function returnReqData(){
  await req;
  return req.data;

console.log(returnReqData()); // [object Promise] { ... }
gr2m commented 2 years ago

The problem with your code is that you don't await the response

Instead of



console.log(await returnReqData());



Here is how you can simplify your code: https://runkit.com/gr2m/octokit-request-js-494/1.0.0

colias-palaeno commented 2 years ago

The problem with your code is that you don't await the response

Instead of



console.log(await returnReqData());

I tried both of your alternatives, and the console is simply outputting undefined. Not sure why

gr2m commented 2 years ago

oh sorry I just realized you'll also need to update

async function returnReqData(){
  await req;
  return req.data;


async function returnReqData(){
  const { data } await req;
  return data;

But this code is not very elegant, better look at how I implemented it at https://runkit.com/gr2m/octokit-request-js-494/1.0.0