octoper / statamic-html-minify

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Config not found #1

Closed acurrieclark closed 4 years ago

acurrieclark commented 4 years ago


I am seeing a

Argument 1 passed to voku\helper\HtmlMin::doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser() must be of the type bool, null given, called in ./vendor/octoper/statamic-html-minify/src/HtmlMinifyMiddleware.php on line 19

It would appear that the config is not being loaded. Am I missing a step?

Additional information

octoper commented 4 years ago

You need to run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Octoper\HtmlMinify\HtmlMinifyServiceProvider" to import the config file

acurrieclark commented 4 years ago

Ah, thanks very much. Would it be worth adding that step to the documentation?

octoper commented 4 years ago

Yeah I will add it right away! Thank you very much!