octoper / statamic-html-minify

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FR: minify statically cached files #8

Open lukeagsmith opened 3 years ago

lukeagsmith commented 3 years ago

The add-on is great, but when I turned static caching the html created was no-longer minified.

Is is possible to make the add-on work with static caching?

octoper commented 3 years ago

I tried to reproduce the issue but I couldn't it's working fine for me.

lukeagsmith commented 3 years ago

Thanks for coming back to me Vaggelis.

So for you, when you directly open the files that get written to the static folder, they are minified html?

octoper commented 3 years ago

You are right they are not minified but when I'm browsing the page it is working just fine. So I don't think thats a problem with the plugin but with Statamic I think it's applying the middleware after it's generating the static page.

hlorofos commented 1 year ago

It doesn't work for me either. Saved static files aren't minified