octopitus / rn-sliding-up-panel

Draggable sliding up panel implemented in React Native https://octopitus.github.io/rn-sliding-up-panel/
MIT License
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Very slow animation #125

Closed pkt-dev closed 5 years ago

pkt-dev commented 5 years ago

Issue Description

When calling show or close some times the animation is extremely slow.

Steps to Reproduce / Code Snippets / Screenshots

  ref={c => this.slideUpPanel = c}>

    {dragHandler => (
      <View style={[styles.slidingPanelContainer]}>
        <View style={styles.dragHandler} {...dragHandler}>




yanuwar commented 5 years ago


yemi commented 5 years ago


pkt-dev commented 5 years ago

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. It doesn't matter the content. Android is pretty consistently extremely slow. I animate to 150 when I click on a map marker, and then have another button to make it animate to the top of the screen to show more details. Even without all of the data its still very slow.

vgb0332 commented 5 years ago

Have you been testing with the debugger on? RN with js-debugger on will generally slow down any type of animation from my experience.

pkt-dev commented 5 years ago

Yes, I have debugging on. I turned it off, and the animation is much smoother. However, it doesn't really help when we are developing to have an animation going unbearably slow.

vgb0332 commented 5 years ago

That is true, but i haven't find a way to have smooth animation while debugger on since RN came out. What I usually do is test for all the data process before applying any animation to the component or using Alert to display certain data if needed with debugger off(ex, Alert.alert(some data to display)). Another solution may be using real device, it's still slow but much smoother ans faster than when testing on virtual device in my opinion.

for this package, Im not sure if it has animation off option, but if it doesn't i'm sure you can fork the repo and make an animation off functionality yourself for test purposes.

pkt-dev commented 5 years ago

Thanks @vgb0332. I will attempt to do that.

saiyam-sage commented 5 years ago

I am also facing this issue, When calling the show or close the animation is extremely slow.

saiyam-sage commented 5 years ago

@pkt-dev have you any idea about this problem ?

moxorama commented 5 years ago

I think that solution is to rewrite animation with react-native-reanimated ;(

saiyam-sage commented 5 years ago

the problem is with when we use setstate or redux dispatch before show or close

cihanbas commented 5 years ago

@saiyam-sage Thank you for your help, when I use panel.show() after setState it is too slow, but ı use before setState it is good working

saiyam-sage commented 5 years ago

yes need to use react-native-reanimated

davidsmall89 commented 5 years ago

I resolved this by making hide a callback in setState: this.setState( { sortsMenu: newSort }, this.slideUpPanel.hide )

octopitus commented 5 years ago

I would recommend you schedule your works to run after the animation has finished using InteractionManager.

InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
  // ...long-running synchronous task...

this.panelRef.show() // Or hide(). panelRef holding the reference the SlidingUpPanel component.

Since the entire animation is running in Javascript thread. Other scripts might occupy the thread and make the animation doesn't look smooth.

saiyam-sage commented 5 years ago

@octopitus but runAfterInteractions() is not fired sometime

saiyam-sage commented 5 years ago

@octopitus runAfterInteractions() is not always calling.

octopitus commented 5 years ago

@saiyam-sage this might be related https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/8624

teodorciuraru commented 4 years ago

Couldn't solve it in any way. Seems like something in the background (requests, maybe) block the main thread and slows this animation. Other SlidingMenu packages worked well, seems related to how the animations are initialized.

nicost71 commented 4 years ago

I managed to get it working by running the show/hide in a javaScript setTimeout like this:

  setTimeout(() => {
gilsonviana commented 3 years ago

I was having the same issue while running on Expo Client while remote debugging. Disabling it solved the problem for me.

29er commented 3 years ago

i ended up using 'reanimated-bottom-sheet' as none of these attempts fixed preformance issues on Androi.

iway1 commented 2 years ago

@29er Thanks so much for pointing me towards this library. I've spent more time than I care to admit trying to get rn-sliding-up-panel to work properly and it just consistently causes so many issues. For instance if you have multiple panels, calling .show() on one of them will show every panel. Like, why? reanimated-bottom-sheet works much better.

kimkong88 commented 2 years ago

@29er Thanks, I guess I have to migrate to reanimated-bottom-sheet as well.. pretty painful since my entire app is relying on this library :(